martes, 29 de junio de 2010

ECO Poll | Should Mid-Way Regional Airport's Andy Biery Resign?

New poll:

Here are the rules: 1) You only get to vote once per I.P. Address. This poll will end in one week; in other words, no more votes will be counted after one week.

2 comentarios:

  1. Truthfully Joey you should post each city Managers face on each picture and the airport board and caption Paula Baucum and Andy's faces in unsual looks that would best decribe the know how of both parties. And Paula stop acting like everytime Andy Screws up you know nothing about it. Let's see is someone going to tell me now that Andy was not involved in an accident at Red bird airport Drunker than hooter brown and someone was taken to the hospital with Andy at the wheel and Andy told Dallas pd that they were on private property ok Paula so you were not informed again

  2. I do believe the pilots are voting in droves on this one...
