Waxahachie ISD kinda ticked off the process, but the economically brain-dead in Red Oak voted to give their employees a pay raise. Oh, no, Joey isn't for the teachers. Actually I am. I'm for every government employee learning about basic economics. This is a hugely disastrous example of how government can seemingly be the only industry in our land that doles out pay raises in the worst economic depression since The Depression.
How in the world can this go on any further? You people are economically retarded, those that won't call a spade a spade...regardless if there's money in the kitty for pay raises, giving them out in a Depression-like economy is the most ridiculous move one could make.
Only in government...
We'll see how long this lasts in the $95 million-and-counting Red Oak High School that taxpayers are on the hook for...it's pretty, yes, but all of these things will come home to roost in the form of more and more payments on debt.
See, if Red Oak ISD and other school districts had to compete in the real world on a free enterprise, capitalist system, the employees would have to actually show something in order to get pay raises. We wouldn't be spending either, we'd be cutting, cutting, cutting, cutting.
Run it like a business? Yeah right. Running it like government. Never fails. Never surprises me.
City and school entities are separate. I'm specifically bitching about the school district salary increases.
look here,
ResponderEliminar...ya'll gotta stop picking on those poor teachers.
We need more police radar traffic stops...
it's for the children...
Those wealthy business owners, THEY"RE CAPITALIST PIGS, and they're all members in good standing with the world banking cartell,
...hell, they got way too much money anyhow...
tax 'em...
it's for the children...
NOW, look at the homes in Red Oak, especially over by city hall.
A new park going in...
it's for the children...
I even saw where a homeowner, HERE IN ELLIS COUNTY, who had the gall to paint his house...IN THIS ECOMONY!...
the heartless bastard...
tax the paint/by the brush stroke...
it's for the children...
You want another example of American excess, another neighbor had PAID, yes PAID someone to mow his lawn...
lazy shiftless bum...
probably wants to enjoy a nice lawn and uses his ill gotten gain, stolen from the poor, to pay for it...
tax 'em by the blade of grass cut...
tax 'em for SOMETHING...
it's for the children...
If this one don't disgust you then you're beyond help, A NEW CAR, yup, not a GM, and damn sure not the base model either...
for gods sake...
it's for the children...
I saw a jogger the other day with new shoes on his feet...
tax his feet...
But I digress...
Electric lights on after dark...how many times have ya'll seen this BS going unchecked by the light pollution police...
Corruption at the highest levels where the light police are paid off to ignore this clear violation of energy conservation...
probably counting their money that they stole from the peons...
go to bed dammit, that's what night is for...
slumber tax 'em...
it's for the children...
NOW, stick a crowbar in your over stuffed, fat capitalist wallets and pay your fair share...
it's for the children...
who'll teach 'em?
Who'll they vote for if those poor teachers don't indoctrinate, I mean instruct them...
But I digress...
They need our support, check your couches for change.
It's what the ol' bamanater promised...
Will the horrors never end?
Look at those brave and intrepid self serving, I mean self sacrificing politicians who do all of this for so little money, or for free.
Don't ya'll realize that they could make so much more money in the private sector?
You think that they actually LIKE doing this to us?
Well do ya?
Karl Marx is probably rolling over in his grave as I type...
I am not against pay raises for teachers, but it seems odd that when their salaries were in the dumps, we had a far better class of mentors than we do now. What happened?
ResponderEliminarIt's called the Department of Education (a cabinet level political office), that was put in place during the latter half of the 1970's.
ResponderEliminarAt that point, teachers and the educational institution became federalized in DC.
A huge power grab (key word power) and no longer about education of kids, where the folks in charge were more answerable to the tax payers and parents at the local level.
That's why many want to do away with the Dep't of Education.
I wonder, does our tax money go directly to our schools or first to DC, only to be sent back to our schools if we offer the proper sacrifice and supplication to the gods of DC indoctrination, I mean education?