jueves, 1 de julio de 2010

Court at Law No. 1 | Another Ellis County CPS Case, Another Bizarre Story

I thought my days of fighting off Child Protective Services problems were somewhat over with, but obviously, there are still demons in the pit I've got to expose...starting with Christine Williams' story that she told and re-told to me today in a sit-down interview:

-- Her daughter, Destiny Briggs, fought off a CPS attempt to take away her lovely daughter Aaliyah in Round 1 of a battle --- she later won full custody of the children. This first case involved Destiny living with a friend and her daughter, plus this friend's mother. The mother was reportedly an alcoholic and pill-popper who got angry with Destiny one day and left threatening voicemails on her phone that said something to the effect of, "I'll make sure you never see your kid again..."
-- During that first CPS battle, Destiny's little daughter was temporarily placed with a LaDonna Garrett and her husband. After the CPS situation was resolved and Destiny won full custody (Ellis County's jurisdiction was set because Destiny's friend lived in Waxahachie...and so the mom made accusations in Ellis County, hence CPS becoming involved -- and later, CPS lawyers rejected attempts to transfer the case to Tarrant County CPS officials.)

-- Bizarrely, this LaDonna Garrett had photos upon photos upon photos of cute little Aaliyah (such a pretty name) all over her house, but not a single one, according to Christine Williams, of her biological son.

-- It recently slipped out in Court at Law No. 1 (Judge Greg Wilhelm, R-Midlothian, presiding) between Destiny's lawyer and the baby's lawyer that LaDonna had made "hysterical" phone calls crying and wishing for the adoption of this baby Aaliyah.

-- Christine Williams and her daughter Destiny (mother of Aaliyah) have tried and tried to get Greg Wilhelm to stop this repeated call for mediation. He has ruled such mediation twice now, according to Christine. Judge Wilhelm has not heard all of the facts of this case as to why LaDonna Garrett is insisting on adopting the child (Aaliyah.)

Where it gets weird is that there is a motion for "temporary custody awaiting adoption" -- according to Christine Williams -- that LaDonna Garrett has got going in Court at Law No. 1. I'm sure there are many details left to flesh out in this ordeal, but Garrett has reportedly bragged about having many family members in law enforcement, including an extremely nice, cordial uncle who works at the Court at Law offices (or at least did when the offices were at the old Walmart building in Waxahachie.) Her Facebook friends page has a "Wilhelm" listed...though Christine Williams says she's unsure if there's any relation to the judge, but should this become an issue? We'll see...
Though Christine Williams says CPS is not involved in Round 2, I think they are...behind the scenes or what-not. CPS doesn't forget people who beat them...case in point: Mark Griffith's clients, the Daubitz family, defeated CPS in a civil case (jury trial) and in a subsequent criminal matter. CPS is the most unaccountable organization in Texas. It answers to no one other than juries, and still, that hasn't stopped them from enacting political revenge from prosecutors via their court-connections.

Again, there are many details to be fleshed out in the coming days...but right now, there are mediation hearings and Aaliyah's family does not want to give the child up for adoption to LaDonna Garrett, or to anyone.

How in the hell can a court set a motion for the adoption of a child even after Destiny Briggs was awarded full custody of the child in Round 1?

Does not make sense in the slightest...

The Court of Public Opinion is now in session. I'll be the judge, but I'll let the public opinion sway whichever way...I want justice to be done for little Aaliyah, and if there are any subversive tactics being used to steal a child away from a parent, they will have me to contend with.

Because my CPS record is spotless...to quote Mark Griffith:
"You are to journalism what I am to law."
Now you talk about a huge compliment...

34 comentarios:

  1. Christine Williams1 de julio de 2010, 9:17

    Destiny's friend that she lived with her & the mother was in Hurst Tx, she visited a friend in Waxahachie for 2 days & it was at that house that it happened on the first go round. My daughter has always resided in Tarrant Countyever since we have been living in this state (1991).
    My daughter & her friend asked the police to meet them at Ladonna's house to get Aaliyah, unfortunately my daughter had a traffic ticket that had went to warrant & she got arrested, but before this happened they noticed in the front entry way of Ladonna Garrett's house she had a table of nothing but my granddaughter's picture's & not one of her son, In my opinion that's a shrine, which will probably be dismantled after this article.
    Ever since my daughter got full custody of her daughter Ladonna has been offering to babysit for free just so she can spend time with my granddaughter. Destiny thought since she was a state approved home that it would be safe. She also has been making countless calls to my daughter bugging her to allow her to adopt. She planned, plotted & lied to the Judge to get this order. With the help of CPS supervisor Catherine Jones who lied to me and my daughter to by time for Ladonna Garrett to get this motion in place in an attempt to pretty much steal my granddaughter in my opinion. She was babysitting for my daughter for 11 days & on the day she was due back ironically the baby needs immediate medical attention for a chronic condition that has been occurring since the tubes were placed in her ears. They contacted me & I said I would leave work & take Aaliyah to the doctor & I was told no. I bet the judge was not made aware of this, the judge was mislead to believe that Ladonna hadn't heard from my daughter in over a month.
    My daughter had to go to Houston left on th 25th of April to return on the 6th of May but on the 6th all this transpired. Catherine Jones spoke with me & my daughter & implied there was a CPS case open that she would inspect my daughter's apartment to make sure she was provided food, clothing & shelter & that she would have her daughter back no later than monday & that it was best to leave the baby with Ladonna, who I was told by Catherine's office is no longer a foster home, so she could get her back right away instead of placing her in another foster home pending the inspection. This bought Ladonna enough time to get her order signed with out even an affadivit, I'm not sure what was said to the judge to accomplish that but what ever it was it wasn't true.
    Catherine said she would inspect the apt. friday the 7th at 10am & never showed up when we finally got a hold of her by telephone she said she transferred the case to Arlington CPS . We haven't heard from anyone from CPS. When we contacted her office they said there wasn't even an open case file on this.

  2. Christine Williams1 de julio de 2010, 9:21

    Ladonna even admitted to my daughter that she lied because she felt that she was too young to raise a baby. Well Aaliyah has plenty of family behind her & her mom.

  3. Let me guess ... The court ordered mediator was. In my opinion the worst in Texas... Paul Perry..... He has sucked off that courts teat for way too long and it's fix'n to come to an end!

  4. Christine Williams2 de julio de 2010, 1:00

    This is also a warning to any parent who uses a babysitter, if your babysitter doesn't like the way you parent your child they can go before a judge make up a medical emergency lie or say they haven't seen you or heard from you in a year & take custody of your child with out the real parents ever being a part of the whole court proceedings.

  5. Christine Williams2 de julio de 2010, 1:12

    I want to know why my daughter's attorney can't get anything accomplished in this Waxachie Court or with this Judge. It's pretty much up to Ladonna's Attorney when & where we go to court from what I've been told. So they can drag this out forever. Is there any justice. In the mean time this woman & her husband have my granddaughter calling them mommy & daddy. That's real good for the child mentally. Aaliyah's attorney asked,"Well have you heard them prompting this?" How the hell is any baby going to pick up words if the adults in the picture are not promptly, HEELLLO!

  6. The moderation list was set improperly. I've corrected the problem.

  7. Christine Williams3 de julio de 2010, 2:44

    My daughter & I can't afford an attorney, a family friend his paying for the attorney representing my daughter.

  8. I've only been told that Mary Trost is a different type of CPS lawyer for the county. I have not seen her in court, merely heard from other lawyers that she's legit.

    Someone better wake Judge Wilhelm up though...or someone better educate me on the details that we might be lacking in this...it's like some people are playing a little board game with this baby.

  9. That woman needs to be arrested for presenting false accusations to the judge. She should also be made to pay all the attorney & mediation fees & reimburse Destiny for her attorney fees. This woman sounds like a psycho who needs her license to Foster taken away.

  10. This baby needs to go back to it's real mother, Destiny. Thats outrageous how a judge can keep running up a bill when if he had just spoken to the family and gotten the facts it seems like this would have ended quickly with out a lot of attorney cost. That judge should have to reimburse Destiny. That Ladonna Garrett sounds like she's slipped off her rocker. That judge needs to hold Ladonna and her attorney accountable for presenting manipulated lies to him, arrest or fine them.

  11. Also that Catherine Jones needs to pay for her part in this also!

  12. Christine,
    I got your message on face book and what you to know that I will follow up with the list of contacts posted on this blog...

  13. Christine Williams5 de julio de 2010, 10:56

    She was a foster mom a year ago. She was just babysitting for 11 days while my daughter went to Houston. She hadn't fostered since my daughter got full custody of her daughter a year ago.

  14. Christine Williams5 de julio de 2010, 11:01

    She hadn't fostered since my daughter got full custody a year ago. She was babysitting for 11days & didn't want to give her back on the eleventh day so she lied to the judge & he keeps putting it off for median instead of hearing the facts. The woman is obsessed & had been bugging my daughter for the last year to adopt. My daughter has let her babysit about 4 times since she got her daughter back. This lady hasn't been a foster home in a year.

  15. That does not make a difference under the law Christine. And I hardly think that giving Wilhelm allegedly negative publicity will sway him since he is lame duck and not running for re-election!

  16. Christine Williams5 de julio de 2010, 11:05

    The judge should have seen us on the first hearing setting on the 11th of May. He wasn't even willing to hear from the other side, instead he wants to run up attorney & median fees.

  17. Christine Williams5 de julio de 2010, 11:26

    It's unfair when he has only heard one side of the story. Ladonna got this temporary custody based on 3 major lies and without any affidavit.

  18. Your daughter lost a year of her child's life. Why did she abandon her for eleven days?

  19. Answer the question Christine. What mother would leave her child for eleven days after losing her for a year?

  20. Christine Williams5 de julio de 2010, 13:17

    A mother trying to find a job in the city she wants to move her and her daughter to dumb ass

  21. Christine Williams5 de julio de 2010, 13:28

    I planned trip & keeping in touch with the babysitter is not abandonment. Do you call it abandonment when some one goes on a business trip for work for a week or two and have to leave their kids? She's a single mom.

  22. Christine Williams5 de julio de 2010, 13:31

    Aren't you the one that got charged with falsely imprisoning someone?

  23. Why did she not have custody for a full year? Are there drug issues? How old is your daughter?

    Sounds like there are a lot of facts missing from the discussion, namely all the ones that would justify keeping the mother away from the child--again.

  24. Christine Williams5 de julio de 2010, 14:05

    She pissed off her friends mom that use to work for CPS.She went to visit a friend with her daughter for 2 days and her friends mom called cps on her when they came to the door she cussed them out so they came with the police my daughter had a ticket that had turned into a warrant and they took the baby in case the police arrested her and even though she didn't even reside in Ellis county they wouldn't transfer it to Tarrant county

  25. Christine Williams5 de julio de 2010, 14:12

    Ladonna told lies and my daughter hasn't had a chance to talk to the judge if the judge was aware of everything he never would have signed off on that order

  26. Sounds like complete BS. My guess is that even you don't know, or don't want to know, the whole story. I don't care who has friends in CPS. That won't get your kid taken away from you. Your daughter had to do more than visit a friend with an outstanding warrant, when there was family who could have taken the kid.

    What was the warrant for, and again, why did she lose custody for a year?

  27. Christine Williams5 de julio de 2010, 23:03

    My daughter has not been in trouble with the law other than traffic tickets that warrant was for a speeding ticket. The police didn't even arrest her but CPS took the baby. The case worker on the 1st case said that the warrant was the only reason that she took the baby. My daughter took excellent care of my granddaughter she was over protective. She spoiled her.My daughter kept cussing the CPS workers & they made her life hell. I couldn't understand why they kept dragging out the case either but now I do it's their way to make money for all the court appointed workers. If you believe all state workers & judges are good maybe you should call yourself "Dumber than Me".

  28. Wake up folks.
    Destiny was given FULL custody of her daughter.
    She allowed the former foster parent to Babysit while she went out of town on business.
    That is not a crime.
    The child knew Ladonna.
    Destiny knowing she was a foster parent (who had been approved by the state), had cared for this child in the past, thought it would be a safe place for her child.
    She trusted this woman, who is now trying to keep her child.
    If Destiny had anything to hide, would she have choosen the former foster parent to babysit?
    I dont think so.
    If you foster a child and the court orders you to return the child that's what you do. Hard as it can be. It's part of the process.

  29. If that CPS supervisor Catherine Jones was present before the Judge when Ladonna & her attorney went to see him he may have also been under the impression that CPS had investigated & opened a case when they really hadn't. The Judge might not realize that it's a private attorney not a CPS attorney. It sounds like Ladonna really manipulated everyone involved including the Judge.

  30. Judge Wilhelm needs to come down hard on both Ladonna Garrett & Catherine Jones so they never decide to pull a stunt like this again. They really need the book thrown at them. Catherine Jones should lose her job. I think your right about the judge being mislead & manipulated.

  31. Christine Williams6 de julio de 2010, 10:48

    Ladonna has definetly abused her rights as a foster parent & needs her license revoked. When my daughter has visitation with her daughter, Aaliyah will cry when Destiny has to leave she doesn't understand why she can't go home with her mother. This is not mentally healthy for my granddaughter & it shows she is still bonded with her mother. Ladonna invited us to a birthday party she was having for Aaliyah & she kept picking up Aaliyah and holding her every time she saw her heading to us. Aaliyah definitely wanted to be with us. I hope she gets removed from Ladonna's care before she develops Stockholm Syndrome. I wish some governing body over the parties in this case would step in & help get my granddaughter back home with her mother.

  32. Christine Williams7 de julio de 2010, 13:26

    I was told today that the judge only ordered one mediation hearing & that he hadn't heard back from either attorney for scheduling a hearing. I wonder who the hell scheduled that 2nd mediation since I thought it was the judge that does that.

  33. Like we can't tell this is you Colsen. You are obviously part of the corruption and feel you need to hide behind a fake name when you were called out.

  34. The Cause Number on this above case is:


    Interesting that there's a 666 in there ;)
