miércoles, 7 de julio de 2010

Photos | Ellis County GOP Executive Committee | July 6, 2010

Permission granted by The Ellis County Observer for distribution, publication, commercial and non-commercial use of photos and videos. Credits: Joey G. Dauben/The Ellis County Observer or Brannon Bridge/The Palmer Post.

For a list of all publications these photos may in the future be published in, click here: joeygdaubenblog.com

Newly elected Senate District 22 State Republican Executive Committee member Jimmie Kerr (who defeated Chris DeCluitt of Waco):

Newly elected Senate District 22 State Republican Executive Committee member Janet Jackson:

New Ellis County GOP chair Dan Davis (Tea Party-backed) with Precinct 131 chair Tommie Worth (left) and Precinct 130 chair Maureen Kennedy.

Newly appointed Precinct 117 (Bristol) chair Larry Burden (or is this John Waters?)

Newly appointed Precinct 128 (Palmer) chair Elizabeth Penny:

Brannon Bridge films the meetings to ensure accountability to our principles and platform:

Videos from Ellis County GOP meetings can be found on the following:

1) RedPrecinct.com
2) RedPrecincts.com
3) EllisCountyGOP.com
4) YouTube.com/GNut23

See Also: Young Republicans of Ellis County

2 comentarios:

  1. Nice to see, it seems, that the precinct by precinct approach is working and new life is being injected into a local Party.

    I believe Political parties are JUST TOOLS, if we step up and get involved and take charge, WE can use those tools, otherwise, the apparatchiks at the top USE US as tools!

    Ellis County CAN BE, and I believe will be, to the 21st century what Boston was for America in the 18th century!

    TAKE A STAND ELLIS COUNTY and don't step back, not one bit!

  2. AMEN Mr. Collier!! I agree, Ellis County can be a shining example of what REAL FREEDOM CAN BE!

    What a great conscious languaged prep talk Bill, I love ya!
