viernes, 2 de julio de 2010

United Nations Calls for Dumping of U.S. Dollar

It's time to start investing in the Chinese yuan that was recently that the United Nations has called for dumping the U.S. dollar in exchange for the special drawing rights (SDRs), a global currency used by central banks for investment purposes...
Source: The UN report called for “abandoning the U.S. dollar as the main global reserve currency, saying it has been unable to safeguard value,” according to Reuters
I wonder if the U.N. will be teaching high school students this stuff due to their International Baccalaureate programs that many local high schools have...hmm...wonder where the IB programs were approved in a U.N. treaty. Hmm.

4 comentarios:

  1. I guess we have exceeded our credit limit.

    The US Dollar as the official petro-dollar kept us riding high for quite a while.

    There was informed speculation that one of the less reported reasons we invaded Iraq was that they were in the process of switching to the Euro for their petrol exchange currency, which means we wouldn't get our cut of the sales. The day we took over that country, the exchange was back to the Dollar.

  2. Not going to happen while the UN sets on US soil.

  3. IB is a UN brainwashing scam.. they are preparing the kids for world government under rule of the UN, their 'constitution' which is totalitarian, their money, and no sovereignty.

    This program must be exposed and banned from our country!

  4. Steve's voice in the wilderness5 de julio de 2010, 4:28

    We have met the enemy and he is U.S...
    The enemy is already within the gates while we're still standing on the *shining city on the hill's* wall looking out toward the horizon for them.
    We have little or no sovereignty left...
    The Constitution is on life support...
    The Statist rules from on high, at will, with impunity...
    Private enterprise is being taken over by the Government and the so-called elected reps continue to either ignore or tell us that we're too stupid to know what's best for us...
    Our money is being confiscated in an ever increasing amount with no end in sight to spending, redistribution and dictatorial compensation by the gov't...
    Racism, anti-semitism and segregation are being re-instituted as official governmental policy, only now they call it something else to make it more politically palettable...
    They flaunt and grow their power daily because an ignorant or distracted populous gives rise to even more voter- US citizen apathy.
    ...most of *we the people* now believe that no matter what we do nothing changes...
    The commies in the USSR (that's Russia to the younger crowd) called this kind of folk *USEFUL IDIOTS*
    ...and then the rest who do bother to vote...
    ... keep re-electing those rat-bastards!!!
    But I digress...
    I grimmace every time I think about how an uninformed voter cancels out my vote...
    Maybe we should go back and practice the old view of, *property owners should be the only ones to be able to vote.*
    Maybe we can cull the herd of some of the useful idiots...
    I don't mean that... I'm starting to sound like the self appointed, self loving glitteratti in government.
    ...besides, property ownership doesn't guarantee an informed voting populous...
    Lastly and most damming to the cause of freedom and justice for all...
    God has been banned from official public discourse, not to mention our homes, and *we the people* are paying a greater price than we can possibly imagine...
    ...visiting the sins of the fathers to the 3rd and 4th generation...
    We have become our own gods *little g* and nothing greater than self is allowed for in society and we vote *ACCORDINGLY*
    That's what Israel did in biblical times, and look where it got them.
    *We the people* have invented problems to explain away our behavior and then have the gall to call the founding fathers- racists/slave owners, flawed rich white guys who founded a nation that denied freedom to folks of different skin color.
    At least...
    the founding fathers left provision in the Constitution of our nation to cure and blot out such insanity.
    Now it's time that *we the people* once again remove this blot we call the present incarnation of government.
    It's provided for in the founding document of this nation we call the United Sates of America.
    Forget about the UN and start concentrating on our own tyrants and their brand of soft tyranny here at home...
    Thus endeth my rant!!!
