miércoles, 14 de julio de 2010

Waxahachie Sex Crime Ring | CPS Orders Signed by Court Coordinator, Not Judge Al Scoggins

I just had the documents read off over the phone in the recent case involving a Franklin Cover-Up-like situation in Waxahachie -- the one where Kenneth Wayne Yarbrough is accused of anally raping his stepchildren, yet is protected by the highest levels of community leaders in Waxahachie.

Tonight's radio broadcast on EllisCountyRadio.com will hit on this issue more, but so far, here's what we've got:

-- Waxahachie's Dunaway Elementary principal and guidance counselor spoke with Tamara Yarbrough's now-11-year-old daughter, got her story and immediately called CPS and made it a "Prirority 1" call. Tamara Yarbrough took her daughter to Waxahachie PD before this, spoke to - unfortunately - Cyndy Wiser - and nothing was done. Tamara did not want to hear the allegations for fear that someone would accuse her of making up the story. So the little daughter told her principal and guidance counselor.

-- CPS became involved, but they were working the other side...instead of taking this little 11-year-old girl who alleged that Kenneth Wayne Yarbrough -- protected by prominent members of "the Waxahachie community" -- out of harm's way, CPS was ordered to place the 11-year-old girl in the custody of KENNETH WAYNE YARBROUGH.

The Bombshell:

-- Documents read aloud over the phone just today reveal that 378th District Court Judge Al Scoggins' signature is nowhere on an amended motion for temporary orders or a temporary order possession --- but the signature of Carla Cobb, court coordinator, is. Carla Cobb might have some explaining to do from the early 90s in the whole Robert Trevino case (see below), but where it says JUDGE PRESIDING, it is blacked out --- in official court documents --- and her name is present.

So, no judge ordered the temporary orders or amended motion for temporary orders or signed off on any of it, but rather, his court coordinator did. How is this even legal and constitutional?

Side Note: Judge Gene Calvert granted a protective order to Tamara and her 11-year-old daughter because of "physical and emotional abuse." But Kenneth Wayne Yarbrough filed for divorce in the 378th District Court (Scoggins), and was able to get the CPS temporary order possession and amended motion for temporary orders granted --- not by Judge Scoggins, but by his court coordinator.

I'll be doing a lot of head-scratching on this one.

Perhaps a little history lesson from Robert Trevino, a Waxahachie political activist who was threatened by former City Manager Bob Sokoll that "someday someone might get rid of you," and sentenced to prison for false accusations by a literal Satanic cult (and the Waxahachie PD), can shed some light on an indirect or direct role Mrs. Carla Cobb might have had in these recent cases:
Mr. Dauben,

Sir, I want to thank you for writing to me and that God has put it in your heart to remember me and that the seed laid in fertile soil where it has prosperous by labor and prayers to God, who is able. (Exodus 2:23-25) where God heard the children of Israel cried out and their cry came up to God because of the bondage, their grooming, and God remembered His covenant with Abraham, with Isaac, and with Jacob. And God looked upon the children of Israel, and God acknowledged them.

The story of Joseph in Genesis 37-50 – where Joseph was first sold by his brother then falsely accused of attempt of sexual assault sent to prison, but God used Joseph to save many people from dying. So I pray that God will use me here to save people too and raised Joseph to to Pharaoh in rank.

I have been incarcerated since 25, August 1995 falsely accused, tried by a specially all white jury who all had been a victim or a family loved one of a sex crime for a sure conviction. Defendent Vital Evidence withheld by Ellis County District Judge Gene Knize even when the judge outside the present of the jury acknowledged one of the main state witnesses Shawn Lankford impeach himself by a letter Shawn wrote to me on 4-12-1994 and proves Shawn fabricated his sexual assault charge against me. When Shawn filed his charge, it was in August 1994 after Patrick Lankford, his brother, had been filed “statutory rape” charge on a 12-year-old girl (Stacy Harris), who had been taken to the Waxahachie hospital emergency room for bleeding after having sex with Patrick for hours – no report on this was in court or the police reports which were taken at the ER room, nor the doctor’s DNA kit report, nor was Patrick Lankford an adult of 17 or 18 years old at the time when he had sex with Stacy Harris who was 12 years old. No arrest the police detective who had 4 1/2 years experience at the time as being in charge of crimes against persons and testify in court was Det. Billie Wiggins said that the reason she didn’t arrest Patrick was that no probable cause against this happened 4 August 1994 end at the tie of my trial 21 August 1995 after a year Det. Wiggins had not arrested Patrick but got Shawn, Patrick and his gang to file charges against me so Patrick would not go to court or prison! Patrick’s signed statement dated 23 Sept. 1994 where he first moved in my house was also withheld because it also proves that Patrick fabricated his charges saying he had moved into my house on 1st March or 1st April 1994; lied to Judge Gene Knize, withheld for a sure conviction.

Mr. Dauben, you got my permission to print this and any thing about my case and to talk wit attorney Udashen, 2301 Cedar Springs Road, Suite 400, Dallas, Texas.


Robert Trevino

Notes from Trevino in margin: Shawn’s letter was thanking me, saying I was his homie and his best friend and that he should listen to me when I kept telling him good advice. But Shawn had falsely testified in court (see dates)

Editor’s note: the words “me” and “my” and “I” are in replacement of Trevino’s last name. For whatever reason Trevino used “Trevino” and not “me,” “my” or “I.

The Robert Trevino Case - in full - can be found on the MySpace Group with the same name. The original series was published in The Ellis County Press by columnist Fred Shannon.

The original post where this letter appears is here: joegrubbs.wordpress.com/2008/12/30/letter-from-robert-trevino/

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