lunes, 5 de julio de 2010

Alvarado Coach Cody Ledbetter Violates Probation, Flees to Canada?

Looks like the Alvarado Post and their corporate news masters, the Waxahachie Daily Light, are engaged in a, what's with them? First it was the Waxahachie High School coach and a drill team captain last this. Shame, shame, shame.Reminds me of the continual cover-up of James Leonard, the former Waxahachie lawyer who was put on 10 years probation for allegedly molesting two girls under the age of 14. He then bolted to Central America, where he is still out there hiding. Wonder why America's Most Wanted isn't on this. Hmm. That gives me an idea...

So this ex-Alvarado coach Cody Ledbetter is on the run. The description of his case is sad...very, very sad. What's worse is the local media covering up for stuff like this in favor of glowing sugar-coated BS feel-good news.

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