domingo, 13 de junio de 2010

Glenn Heights | Trans-TX Corridor Loop 9 Drives City Property: $108k to $649k

Flashback: remember the article The Ellis County Press and I did -- plus the two YouTube videos on -- on the piece of vacant, road-less land in Lindell Estates off of Uhl Road that a Realtor submitted a letter to the Ellis Central Appraisal District and requested a sky-rocketed increase in appraised value? Well, my friend Kelly Chance, whose mom owned the vacant, road-less land in Lindell Estates, got her appraised value lowered and the taxes lowered considerably after that article was published (huge front page photo of the property, etc.)

Now comes the really interesting part: then, I wasn't in on this Loop 9 sinister plot to artifically drive up appraisals in land and properties that will one day be home to traffic, on-and-off ramps, etc. for this Trans-Texas Corridor sister project. (the TTC didn't die, no matter how many times Gov. Rick Perry's glossed statements say it did)
I didn't know at the time of the Kelly Chance/ECP article that these appraisals were going through the roof on speculation that LOOP 9 WOULD ONE DAY WIPE LINDELL ESTATES AND OTHER PROPERTIES OFF THE MAP.

But now I do I know?

Because the city of Glenn Heights, Texas, ladies and gentlemen, has a city hall and other property with a market value of $108,000, according to ECAD.

That same property had $600,000 in improvements for a total appraised value of: $649,000!

So, you tell me, Glenn Heights...who the HELL do you think you are going to fool with this crap?

Loop 9 is coming, and I have purposely been quiet for the past few months on the subject due to some "behind-the-scenes" things I'm working on...this being one of those things.

Glenn Heights recently had a mayoral candidate, Dorothy Loney, mention Loop 9 and taking advantage of that toll road (the language on her posters and campaign literature was very broad) in some way...I don't blame the city for wanting to take advantage of economic development opportunities, but the artificial inflation of property values in cities and those "in the know" is now very, very evident...Loney got destroyed in the election May 8, by the way, drawing only 61 votes. But, there are still others on the GH City Council who may or may not know about the extent that their city is preparing for Loop 9.

Over in Cedar Hill, we see the same thing with the future mayor, Cory Spillman, who now has property very, very close to where Loop 9 is going to pass through...I'm sure that was a total coincidence to move to South Joe Wilson Road. Yeah, pure coincidence.

Those that are in the know on this toll road are driving up the appraisals on purpose to benefit --- and I plan to expose that....starting with today's Glenn Heights report.

12 comentarios:

  1. Councilman Dan Freeman, where are you? I need you to look at this and tell the public what's going on with this...

    There hasn't been a single "improvement" on that property until this year...something is DRIVING that appraised value straight up...and it's not liquor.

  2. Unfortunately, skyrocketing property values may be the only way, we (homeowners who stand to have their property stolen by the Texas Government), can get a decent price for our homes when the goons come around and order us out. This government is de facto Communism-when a "government" can just take peoples' houses & land at will, so that certain politically connected individuals can put on their resumes that they were "instrumental" in improving the flow of commerce and transportation in the DFW area. I'll have more to say on this matter at a later date.

  3. Joey G. Dauben | The Palmer Post13 de junio de 2010, 6:57

    Tom, if that were your property from $108,000 to $649,000, the state would laugh at you for asking maybe half that much for your land. But it's government, and government will always give their inside deals to their good 'ol boys.

  4. have you verified what "improvements" they claim?

  5. I live in GH & drive by that city hall each day. The only improvement I've seen at all in the 2 yrs I've lived here is a change in the annual flowers out front of the building & that's not saying much. Just more evidence that Glenn Heights doesn't care one bit about their residents, only money. My house us one in the direct path of Loop 9... can I plant flowers & have my property value skyrocket?

  6. I understand Erin-- I drive by it a lot myself. I'm just saying that it would be more credible to at least ask some official questions about these recent so-called "improvements" instead of assuming. even though Joey's original premise is probably correct. ;)

  7. Joey G. Dauben | The Palmer Post15 de junio de 2010, 5:12

    I'm looking at official source information on Ellis Central Appraisal District. I typed in "Glenn Heights" into the Property Owner category and came up with all the details...and there are very little details as to what those improvements were.

    Though today, I was driving through Glenn Heights on business-related matters and noticed Bear Creek's widening...or preparations for the Bear Creek Road widening...

  8. I support Loop 9 with these exceptions:

    1) The current study route

    2) The current proposed study route "plan b" and "plan c" options

    I don't like the fact this massive toll road is still a Trans-Texas Corridor highway, so first, I don't like the deception used to market Loop 9 as anything other than a TTC sister highway.

    I also don't like the fact that friends, neighbors and residents in Glenn Heights, Red Oak, Lancaster, Cedar Hill, etc. are sitting underneath the "lanes" and on-off ramps and that they were not notified (again, deception) that zoning changes were made from their residential areas to industrial (as has happened in Cedar Hill.)

    I'm all for toll roads. I just don't like how this stuff is being pushed...and it's all deception and lack of information.

  9. Thanks,

    I get the impression that any State or National highway that intersects any TTC ( substitute political label of the day) is a sister highway. So much so as to make the label useless.

    Was the rezoning done according to law? Sounds like the deception was more on the local level than state. Do you think there would be less opposition if the state were more open about the plan. I can't imagine that those in the path would have been any happier if they were told kindly. Nor would it have been wise to leak out proposed routes and have them not materialize.

    I wasn't really aware of any scandals during the acquisition phase of the SSC, but as a land holder that was bought out, I had no quarrel with their handling of land acquisition. But, I'm sure there will plenty who know more and don't agree. I'm not sure there is a good way to tell people they are selling something they don't want to sell, just for the greater good, allegedly.

  10. Joey, why would you say I was destroyed? I tried to help my city and lose a race. Destroyed is not correct, I simply got 61 Votes to Victors 140. I'm ashamed by this, and I am not done by a long shot. I just have to wait till my next chance. I want the best for my city and will continue to make it a place for family's to enjoy life. Victor has a chance to prove I was wrong about him, and I hope him the best.

  11. I'm against the toll road, period.

    If it's to be built w/ public funds, then open it to free use.

    If it's to be built w/ private funds, then don't use eminent domain to acquire land for a private company. they can buy the land themselves.

  12. Dorothy, I use colorful language and wording, and due to the elections that come and go, I use other words for "landslide," so often times, many will read me write that so-and-so got "hammered" or "buried" or "demolished" in an election. The same could be said about my elections, too, but no offense was intended towards you. It was merely a way to describe the violently large gap between you and Victor.

    (see what I mean? What's "violent" about it? Nothing...just my use of colorful language.)

    Joey G. Dauben
    The Palmer Post
