I guess Joe Barton didn't mention that information when he was on the phone with thousands of CD-6 constituents...did he? Hmm, probably not. Congressman Joe Barton, R-Ennis, might need to start asking for real questions, like these:
1. Why were SWAT team members sent by Obama to the Gulf?
2. Why were $250 million in BP stock options sold before the spill? Other link here.
3. Why are National Guard troops and other military forces heading to a oil spill clean-up, when there has been no disaster declared?
4. Why does Congressman Barton feel the need to speak on ObamaCare when he himself voted for, and promoted the decision, to have a takeover of federal Medicare and distribute -- totally unfunded entitlements -- prescription drugs?
5. Why won't Barton support HR 5444, the total repeal of ObamaCare?
Full Disclosure: I was the last Republican who tried to take on Barton, back in 2005's GOP primary.
FYI: I'm still planning to vote for Barton in November due to the fact he's voting like he should...for now...