jueves, 10 de junio de 2010

Midlothian Has Lost Another One (Celeste June Blalock)

By far the most saddening news to report, again, from Midlothian...one of my classmates (Class of 2001), Celeste June Blalock, passed away yesterday.

My thoughts, prayers and condolences are with the family. If I can be of any assistance both to friends, relatives or to the public, please let me know...
Joey G. Dauben
The Ellis County Observer
The Palmer Post

2 comentarios:

  1. My prayers are with Cindy and all the family. Having Celeste as part of our family for a while was a blessing. We loved and adored her. She was such a vibrant young lady. Our hearts are in deep sadness. If there is anything we can do please let us know. I know Celeste loved Joshua very much during their time together.

  2. Celeste is very missed by our family. She was engaged to marry our son Matthew, who is devastated by her death. Our prayers are with all of Celeste's family who were very gracious and loving to Matthew at the funeral. Rest in peace, sweet girl.
