Dammit, why why why why why are they doing this in a 10 a.m. meeting? Because they figure no one will show up on an early-morning meeting to do what, to question and scrutinize THIS:
3.3 Consideration and action as may be appropriate regarding upgrade of Precinct 2 Road Worker position and salary from Road Worker VI ($17.75 / hour) to Equipment Operator ($18.12 / hour) effective June 28, 2010.
- Bill Dodson, Commissioner Pct. 2
- Bill Dodson, Commissioner Pct. 2
3.5 Consideration and action as may be appropriate for acceptance and distribution of a letter to be sent to all entities related to Ellis County Emergency Services regarding updating equipment in order to be in compliance of the upcoming 2013 Federal mandates.
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Notice is hereby given that a regular meeting of the Ellis County Commissioners’ Court will be held on Monday, June 14, 2010 at 10:00 A.M., in the Historic Ellis County Courthouse, Commissioners’ Courtroom (2nd flr), 101 West Main Street, Waxahachie, Texas at which time the following will be discussed and considered, to-wit:
County Judge:
Judge Carol Bush
Dennis Robinson, Commissioner, Pct. 1
Bill Dodson, Commissioner, Pct. 2
Heath Sims, Commissioner, Pct. 3
Ron Brown, Commissioner, Pct. 4
County Clerk:
Cindy Polley, County Clerk
County & District Attorney’s Office:
Ann Montgomery, Assistant County Attorney
Lee Auvenshine, Assistant County Attorney
County Judge will call meeting to order, declare quorum if present, and declare notices legally posted pursuant to Open Meetings Act.
1.2 Motion to Open Court.
Invocation and Pledge of Allegiance - Commissioner Dennis Robinson
CONSENT AGENDA – Consideration and Action:
A1 Approval of Regular Bills, Payroll, and Officers' Reports
A2 Approval of the May, 2010 travel reports for the Texas AgriLife Extension office.
Mark Arnold, Agriculture; Page Bishop, 4-H; Rita Hodges, Family & Consumer Sciences
A3 Approval of a resolution showing support for the transfer of authority to the North Texas Behavioral Health Authority from the Texas Department of State Health Services on or before September 1, 2011.
Janis Burdett, Ellis County Board Representative, Juvenile Services
F1 From 001-0020-50809, Auto Repair To 001-0020-50810, Auto Tire – Keith Roberts, Maintenance
F2 From 001-0385-50801, Supplies; 001-0385-50802, Equipment; 001-0385-50803, Furniture/Fixtures; 001-0385-50553, Social Security; 001-0385-50601, Travel Reimbursement; 001-0385-50703, Telephone To 001-0385-50807, Visiting Judge; 001-0385-50873, Maintenance/Repairs/Office Equipment. – Gene Calvert, County Court at Law #2
F3 From 004-0652-30302, RB2 Fund Balance Carryover; 004-0652-30302, RB2 Fund Balance Carryover To 004-0652-50911, RB2 Gravel; 004-0652-50915, RB2 Asphalt. – Bill Dodson, Commissioner Pct 2
F4 From 001-0050-50802, Equipment; 001-0050-50803, Furniture/Fixtures To 001-0050-50884 Auto Insurance; 001-0050-50801, Supplies. – Mark Arnold, Tx Agri-Life Extension
F5 From 001-0015-50865, Employee Screening To 001-0015-50802, Equipment. – Dennis Brearley, Jail
F6 From 001-520-50874, Docket Books; 001-0520-50601, Travel Reimbursement To 001-0520-50801, Supplies; 001-0520-50805, Conference. – Jackie Miller, Jr., JP 2
F7 From 013-0101-40059, State Funding; 013-0101-40002, Interest; 013-0101-30302, Fund Balance To 013-0101-50920, Materials, 013-0202-50920, Materials; 013-0303-50920, Materials; 013-0404-50920, Materials. – Mike Navarro, Auditor
Simplified Plats:
2.1 Fleming Corner, 1 lot - Darren and Kerry Fleming, Pct. 1.
2.2 Shane’s Place North, 2 lots - Shane Winters, Pct. 2.
3.1 Consideration and action to disband the Bond Oversight Committee, effective at the time of the last meeting on June 21.2010.
- Carol Bush, Ellis County Judge
3.2 Consideration and action to authorize the Ellis County and District Attorney Office’s filing of an application for temporary restraining order and pleading for a temporary injunction and permanent injunction in Cause No. 80843, Ellis County, et. al. v. Michael McConnell, et. al., in the 40th Judicial District Court, Ellis County, Texas.
- Lee Auvenshine, Assistant District & County Attorney
3.3 Consideration and action as may be appropriate regarding upgrade of Precinct 2 Road Worker position and salary from Road Worker VI ($17.75 / hour) to Equipment Operator ($18.12 / hour) effective June 28, 2010.
- Bill Dodson, Commissioner Pct. 2
3.4 Consideration and action regarding selection of three (3) public members of the Elected Official Salary Grievance Committee for FY 2010-2011. The names are drawn from a list of grand jurors for the preceding year. (Texas Local Government Code § 152.014 and § 152.015).
- Cindy Polley, County Clerk
3.5 Consideration and action as may be appropriate for acceptance and distribution of a letter to be sent to all entities related to Ellis County Emergency Services regarding updating equipment in order to be in compliance of the upcoming 2013 Federal mandates.
- Bill Dodson, Commissioner Pct. 2
3.6 Consideration and action to reaffirm the Ellis County Courthouse located at 101 West Main, Waxahachie, Texas, as the location for legal postings for the county.
- Carol Bush, Ellis County Judge
“The Commissioners’ Court of Ellis County reserves the right to adjourn into Executive Session at any time during the course of this meeting to discuss any of the matters listed in this agenda, in the order deemed appropriate, as authorized by Texas Government Code §551.072, or to seek the advice of its attorney and/or other attorneys representing Ellis County on any matter in which the duty of the attorney to the Commissioners’ Court under the Texas Disciplinary Rules of Professional Conduct of the State Bar of Texas clearly conflicts with Texas Government Code Chapter 551 or as otherwise may be permitted under §551.072.”
4.1 Pursuant to Section 551.072 of the Government Code, consultation with counsel regarding the possible sale or lease of real property “if deliberation in an open meeting would have a detrimental effect on the position of the governmental body in negotiations with a third person”.
4.2 Pursuant to 551.071(1)(a) of the Texas Government Code, consultation with legal counsel regarding an application for temporary restraining order and pleading for a temporary injunction and permanent injunction in Cause No. 80843, Ellis County, et. al. v. Michael McConnell, et. al., in the 40th Judicial District Court, Ellis County, Texas.
Signed this the ___ day of June, 2010.
Carol L. Bush
Ellis County Judge
I, the undersigned, County Clerk of the Ellis County Commissioners Court do hereby certify that the above Notice of Regular Meeting of the Ellis County Commissioners’ Court is a true and correct copy of said Notice, that I received said Notice, and it was posted at the doors of the Ellis County Courthouse, a place readily accessible to the general public at all times on the _____ day of June, 2010, at ____________ a.m./p.m.
Cindy Polley, County Clerk
ResponderEliminarThe only federal mandate that I can find...
dated Jan 1, 2013 for emergency services has to do with band-width narrowing for communications, effectively halving their usage.
This is set forth by the FCC
I just requested the mandates from Commissioner Bill Dodson of Precinct 2, who is requesting this item for Monday.
ResponderEliminarI'll sift around and see what I can find...
I don't care if it's pink toilet paper that the feds are mandating, I don't want our commissioners to be so limp-wristed that they accept anything that comes out from D.C.
As for the mandate, it's from the FCC. The county is preparing to make necessary changes to comply with federal law and regulations. If they don't do it, the feds may sue or take other actions that end up costing a fortune, and the county will lose the fight and the changes will be made anyway. Then you'd complain about all the wasted money. You can't ignore federal law just because you don't like it.
ResponderEliminarThey want to cut the frequency range for certain users in half. It's kinda like making highway lanes half as wide, so twice as many people can use the road. This would open up new frequencies for new users.