miércoles, 30 de junio de 2010

Red Oak ISD | Teacher Pay Raises in THIS Economy?

Waxahachie ISD kinda ticked off the process, but the economically brain-dead in Red Oak voted to give their employees a pay raise. Oh, no, Joey isn't for the teachers. Actually I am. I'm for every government employee learning about basic economics. This is a hugely disastrous example of how government can seemingly be the only industry in our land that doles out pay raises in the worst economic depression since The Depression.

How in the world can this go on any further? You people are economically retarded, those that won't call a spade a spade...regardless if there's money in the kitty for pay raises, giving them out in a Depression-like economy is the most ridiculous move one could make.

Only in government...

We'll see how long this lasts in the $95 million-and-counting Red Oak High School that taxpayers are on the hook for...it's pretty, yes, but all of these things will come home to roost in the form of more and more payments on debt.

See, if Red Oak ISD and other school districts had to compete in the real world on a free enterprise, capitalist system, the employees would have to actually show something in order to get pay raises. We wouldn't be spending either, we'd be cutting, cutting, cutting, cutting.

Run it like a business? Yeah right. Running it like government. Never fails. Never surprises me.

JoeyGDaubenBlog.com | Constructing the Infrastructure for a Media Empire

While some may think that targeting tiny-to-small towns with less than 3,000 people is no big deal, there are many methods to my madness. It all started with what I coined as the "Small City Strategy" while at The Ellis County Press: invade small towns with free copies of the newspaper and at the same time, canvass neighborhoods and look for likely voters, conservative ones...I pitched the Freedom of the Press Group strategy of launching newspapers in these small towns to the ECP with the help of my editor-at-large Bill Collier, and no one bought into the plan.

So now, ladies and gentlemen, you are witnessing the creation of what I have planned since I was 16-years-old: a media empire. Granted, this media empire only takes in one county (Ellis) with satellites in neighboring ones (Johnson, Navarro, Hill, Kaufman, Henderson), but rest assured that "The Conservative Voice of _______" is not finished.
First I take over the small towns. Then I take over the DFW region. Then I take over this entire state. You don't think much of it, do you?

Well that's fine, because it's happening...slowly, but it's happening. The logos that you have seen rolling out on this blog (and linked to my sidebar) are just a start.

I always told myself, "there's a market for the truth," and "I want to be the Rupert Murdoch of Ellis County." Well it's not just Ellis County anymore. I want to establish the entire state of Texas as my media fortress.

I will replicate this idea as time progresses, and more people come into the fold. Right now I have to manage the influx of people who want to be writers/editors/columnists. This is a very, very good problem to have. I don't know if seven newspapers is going to handle all of the interested people who have written to me about getting involved.

So, while everyone laments the loss of mainline newspapers, or of local "community" newspapers, I am constructing a takeover of this area, and later, this state...

For the past 10 years, you people have given me an education in politics, economics, journalism, business management and social networking --- free of charge.

I am about to repay all of you in the form of an unstoppable and "increasing" presence of this motto:

Freedom of the Press Group Motto
"To go into towns where local papers have neglected, to give a forum for dialogue and debate, to reach the lost and remain watchdogs on local government, while ensuring our liberties are protected and maintained."
Local newspapers are going to be profitable. I'm building the pieces to an organization that will carry out these goals, dreams and strategies...

I must continue to thank my Minnesota-based graphic-designer-at-large, Jessica Lee, for coming up with these logos. I give her the vision and the artwork, and she pieces them all together like a canvass.

High Water Bills | My 1st 'Problem' to Tackle in Frost, Texas

Sweet, there are high-water bill complaints coming out of Frost, the tiny Navarro County town I am putting The Frost Focus newspaper in soon.

I sent one of Frost's citizens a link to previous coverage as to why I think a $92 water bill for less than 5,000 gallons of usage is the norm:


Navarro Mills Lake is owned and operated by the federal government (U.S. Army Corps of Engineers), and they stuck Navarro County with a $2.6 million maintenance bill for it.

For those in Frost who don't know Congressman Joe Barton, you might want to start. He is your congressman, my congressman, and he has worked alongside the city of Ennis on this issue.

ObamaCare Update: Emergency Room Visits Likely Increase

The city of Ennis is going through the motions on meeting the ObamaCare mandates, according to a recent article in the Ennis Daily News. This will be interesting:

ObamaCare UPDATE: Emergency Room Visits Likely Increase Under

John Goodman – NCPA

More people are likely to turn to the emergency room for their health care and they are likely to do so more frequently under the new health reform legislation.  This finding is surprising because an oft repeated argument for insuring the uninsured is that it will allow people to seek less costly and more accessible care elsewhere, says John C. Goodman, President, CEO of the National Center for Policy Analysis.

Emergency room costs will increase for two reasons, says Goodman:

About half the newly insured will enroll in Medicaid and Medicaid patients seek emergency room care more often than the uninsured.
While the newly insured will try to increase their consumption of care, the absence of any program to create more providers will force patients to turn to emergency rooms as the outlet for increased demand.

According to the Congressional Budget Office:

Recently enacted health reform will eventually cause 32 million uninsured people to obtain health insurance they otherwise would not have had; the Chief Actuary of Medicare puts the figure at 34 million.
Under both estimates, about half of the newly insured will enroll in Medicaid and the State Children’s Health Insurance Program.
Roughly an equal number will obtain insurance in the to-be-created health insurance exchanges.

Interestingly, health reform in Massachusetts cut the number of uninsured in half by enrolling people in Medicaid and private insurance plans offered in a health insurance exchange.  However, as in the case of the new federal law, no measures were taken to expand the supply of doctors.

That is one reason why the wait to see a new doctor in Boston is twice as long as in any other U.S. city.  Also, the use of emergency rooms for nonemergency care in Massachusetts today is as great as or greater than it was before the state health reform was adopted.

We do not know yet what insurance in the exchanges created under the new federal law will look like.  However, in Massachusetts people who have acquired subsidized insurance through an exchange are in plans that pay doctors fees about equal to Medicaid rates plus 10 percent.

Were this to happen nationally, the predictions of this analysis would be much worse, says Goodman.

Source: John C. Goodman, “Emergency Room Visits Likely to Increase Under ObamaCare,” National Center for Policy Analysis, Brief Analysis No. 709, June 18, 2010.

Court of Criminal Appeals Upholds Texas' Personhood Law

I wasn't too sure on the justices on the Texas Court of Criminal Appeals...wasn't sure who I'd vote for. Now I know I'll be voting the incumbent Republicans back in, largely because of this:
Court Upholds Texas' Personhood Law In another victory for Texas' "personhood law," the Prenatal Protection Act, the state's highest criminal court unanimously upheld the conviction of a San Antonio man for murdering a pregnant girl and her "thirteen-week-old unborn child."

The groundbreaking Prenatal Protection Act recognized, for the first time in the history of Texas, the personhood of "an unborn child at every stage of gestation from fertilization until birth" and made it possible to prosecute for violent crimes of assault and murder against unborn persons.

In its opinion, delivered on June 16, the nine-member Texas Court of Criminal Appeals relied heavily on an amicus curiae (friend-of-the-court) brief submitted by Texas Alliance for Life (TAL). TAL's brief defended the constitutionality of the Prenatal Protection Act, which was passed by the legislature and signed by Gov. Rick Perry in 2003.

In 2005, Adrian Estrada, a youth director at a San Antonio church, murdered through "multiple stab wounds and strangulation" 17-year-old Stephanie Sanchez, who was carrying a child fathered by him. It was the third time she was impregnated by Estrada, with the first pregnancy ending by abortion and the second by miscarriage.

The Court noted that Roe v. Wade permits states to criminalize the homicide of an unborn child so long as the law does not restrict the mother's right to terminate her pregnancy.

"Once again the legal personhood of the unborn child has been upheld in Texas so that our legislature can protect mothers and unborn babies from violent crimes," says Joe Pojman, Ph.D., TAL's executive director. "Although the U.S. Supreme Court's Roe v. Wade opinion forbids Texas from protecting unborn children from abortion, we believe the Prenatal Protection Act creates a foothold for someday overturning Roe."

This is the fourth time the Texas Court of Criminal Appeals has upheld the Prenatal Protection Act and the third time TAL has submitted a brief to that court. In each case, the Court's opinion was consistent with the arguments in TAL's brief.

Source: Texas Alliance for Life

Re-Post | Lawyers at the Trough | Taxpayer-Funded Lawyers in Ellis County Courts

Thought this would be a perfect time to show everyone the 2008/2009 figures (the latest data I have) of how much taxpayer money goes to pay lawyer salaries for court appointments. If I'm not mistaken, this is only for Court at Law No. 1 and 2. I haven't checked this list in so long, but it might include the 40th District and 378th District courts too:

Lawyers at the Trough: eco2.wordpress.com/2009/12/08/lawyers-vendors-at-the-trough-list-of-updated-fees-taxpayers-pay-to-attys-counseling-center-drug-rehab-facilities-etc/

Ellis Central Appraisal District Salary Figures

Curious as to what our chief appraiser makes? What about her employees and staff? Those people who are responsible for determining valuations and the like for ECAD make quite a bit of money.

Click Here | The 2010 Ellis Central Appraisal District BASE SALARY INFORMATION

Or try the direct link: eco2.files.wordpress.com/2010/06/2010-base-salary-information.pdf

Ellis County Commissioners Take More Obama Stimulus Bribes

It very well could be that these block grants were already budgeted for in the federal largess, but they were rolled into the stimulus. However, I don't like it. Notice the red text...

Prepared by:                Ellis County Communications

101 W. Main Street

Waxahachie, TX  75165

Contact:                      Diana Buckley, 972-825-5087, Diana.Buckley@co.ellis.tx.us

Caution urged in use of fireworks

With soaking rains a strong possibility for the week, Ellis County Commissioners took no action on a proposed burn ban during Monday night’s meeting, opting instead to urge citizens to exercise caution in the use of fireworks during the upcoming holiday weekend.

“I am hoping that we are going to get enough rain this week to lower the (Keetch-Byram Drought Index) sufficiently and mitigate some grass fires,” said Fire Marshal’s Investigator Jim Pharr.  “Hopefully, the public will be careful.”

According to Pharr, the KBDI stood at 521 on Monday, with forecasts calling for significant rain.  Historically, the Court has enacted a ban when the index rises above 500, but the hope of immediate relief along with the difficulty of notifying the public in time for the July 4 holiday and a concern about economic impacts stayed the action.

The National Fire Protection Association and the Consumer Product Safety Commission estimate that:

30,100 fires are caused by fireworks each year
7,000 injuries were caused by fireworks in 2008
Seven deaths were related to fireworks in 2008
$34 million direct property loss from fireworks was sustained in 2008
62 percent of injured persons were male
Two of every five people injured were under the age of 15

For additional recommendations on fireworks safety, including a short safety video, visit fireworkssafety.org.

Commissioners voted to authorize an agreement with the Texas Comptroller of Public Accounts for an Energy Efficiency and Conservation Block Grant in the amount of $138,184 funded through the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act.

“We’ve been involved with our energy management for several years, to look at our energy usage and see how we could reduce it,” said County Engineer Joe White, adding that the recent move into the new facility in downtown Waxahachie is expected to have a positive impact on the County’s energy consumption.  “This grant is set up so you can find your main use of electricity that could be more efficient.”

White said the older portion of the detention center, phases one and two, are highly inefficient in terms of energy usage.

“This grant would allow us to have a large engineering and energy management firm to come in and do an assessment, and if funds are left over, we could apply those toward some of the small fixes,” he added.  “We have an RFQ out and are in the process of looking at those.”

The Court also approved a letter to be sent to responsible local inspection stations recognizing their compliance with state emissions inspection laws.

“We support these stations that are doing the right thing and voluntarily complying with what the state requires regarding inspection of vehicles and emissions,” said Brad Elliott, Deputy Constable Pct. 2.  “Since the beginning, we have gone from where we had anywhere from 150 to 175 fraudulent inspections that actually occurred at the inspection station, to where we now have 25.”

Elliott said there are 37 inspection stations county wide, with 29 of those expected to receive the letter of appreciation.

In other business, Commissioners:

Appointed Dub Nowell to the board of the Red Oak Emergency Services District #4 for a term to run through December, 2011;
Approved a three year contract with Westlaw online subscription service to include an additional Westpack discount of 50 percent on Texas Cases and Texas Jurisprudence print titles, saving $13,676 in Law Library funds annually;
Approved closure of a dedicated alleyway located in Skyline Acres Subdivision in precinct 4;
Took no action on the proposed purchase of cold laid asphalt from APEX Company;

Adjourned into executive session to consult with counsel regarding possible sale or lease of real property, regarding Cause No. 80843, Ellis County et al v Michael McConnell et al, and regarding Cause No. 79293, City of Milford v Nestor Calderon, Jr. et al, with no resulting action taken.

martes, 29 de junio de 2010

Why Does it Take Greg Wilhelm & Gene Calvert 500 Years to Rule on Cases?

I like Judge Greg Wilhelm and Judge Gene Calvert, both in Courts at Law No. 1 and 2, respectively. But they are notorious for taking their sweet precious time in deciding cases, ruling on matters or simply setting court dates and issuing opinions. It's one of the reasons I think Wilhelm lost his re-nomination battle on March 2 to political newcomer Jim Chapman.

This is a very, very awkward predicament: on one hand I love these judges, but on the other, they take way too damn long to decide cases. This is not right. Granted, I don't know the inner workings of the case loads, but my guess is that the lawyers sucking tax dollars out of the government tit benefit more when things are delayed...

This needs to stop.

Seagoville Newspaper to Run Combine, Texas Lawsuit Story July 1

The Suburbia newspaper in Seagoville will have a July 1 issue story about my lawsuit against the city of Combine this week. No idea what they'll run with, or what it'll say until the issue comes out, but this is good news because I don't want this whole ordeal looking like I'm generating the news on purpose, or by myself...since it's public record now, I can go ahead and tell everyone that I'm asking for $250,000. The loss of my freedom and dignity for being falsely accused and falsely imprisoned for publishing a mug shot on my blog is definitely worth this...


If you are new to this blog and have no idea what I'm talking about, please visit the following:

1) CrookedCombine.com

2) GypsyCopJay.com

3) Google "Joey Dauben arrested"

4) Google "John Allen 'Jay' Hoskins"

378th District Court | Ron Wilkinson vs. Dan Gus?

I received some surprising information from a few legal sources in Waxahachie who say that the appointment race to replace the moving-up-the-ladder Judge Al Scoggins, R-Ennis, is squarely between former Waxahachie Mayor Ron Wilkinson, who recently finished third in the 40th District Court primary, and Dan Gus, who recently finished fourth and who now serves on the Ellis County Republican Executive Committee.

Because Scoggins ran for, and got nominated to, the Tenth Court of Appeals bench in Waco on March 2 (defeating incumbent Felipe Reyna, R-Waco), he will leave a vacancy in the 378th District Court seat, which is primarily the divorce/family district court. Good riddance to Scoggins on Jan. 1, 2011, but hello to the excitement that will be the energy behind who Gov. Rick Perry (should he survive a Nov. 2 re-election challenge this fall) will choose to replace Scoggins and thus fill the remainder of his term.

Gus is a high-profile lawyer from Red Oak who works in Dallas, and Wilkinson is a liberal Republican with age working against him. He's reportedly in his 70s, and that's awfully old to be filling a district court seat. The 378th was created by George W. Bush's pen in 1995, at which Scoggins was then appointed, where he has served (unopposed) ever since.
Dan Gus is the reason we will no longer have 40th District Court Judge Gene Knize, R-Ennis, swearing an oath on Jan. 1. Dan filed to run against Knize, which prompted Knize and his family to say, "hell no, we aren't going to let Joey Dauben destroy us like he did four years ago through his blog." That is not an exact quote, but that's exactly what the message was...

Bob Carroll, the former Court at Law No. 1 judge who was at the time running for Ellis County judge against Carol Bush, abruptly switched races and filed against Gus, who then was joined by Wilkinson and Cindy Ermatinger, a Midlothian defense lawyer who lost to Carroll in the 40th District run-off on April 13.

Carroll is reportedly friends with former County Judge Chad Adams again, who is also friends with Gov. Perry. Perry makes the appointment, so odds are, whoever lobbies Adams the strongest will then have Perry's ear.

I will make a very strong agreement here today:

1) If you guys out there in lawyer-la-la land help Dan Gus get the 378th District Court appointment, I will not run/write/video/broadcast a single negative thing about any one of you guys ------------------------------ unless it's bought. (In other words, if someone pays me $1,000 to throw up an entire Web site devoted to judicial corruption, I'll do it, but other than that, nada.)
I want this to be taken seriously...I will voluntarily lower my guns and store them someplace else (guns=keyboard, pen) if you guys get Gov. Perry to appoint Gun to this spot.

2) I'll even vote for Perry in November if it looks like Gus will get the spot.

Now, no one has to affirm anything to me, either publicly or privately. Just get this appointment done, and you won't have to worry about me beating anyone else to death via the blog --- again, unless someone buys the advertising for it.

After getting rid of Knize, I've got some leverage to play around with...but I'm serious...appoint Gus and you won't have anything else to worry about.

Sara's Secret | The Other Billboard on I-35 That Created a Buzz

Was running through my Photobucket album for The Ellis County Observer, and came across the non-cucumber billboard that Sara's Secret in DeSoto had up previously:

For all the advertising I'm giving Sara's Secret...I should get some gift certificates out of this...

ECO Poll | Should Mid-Way Regional Airport's Andy Biery Resign?

New poll:

Here are the rules: 1) You only get to vote once per I.P. Address. This poll will end in one week; in other words, no more votes will be counted after one week.

Facebook Video Poll | The More You 'Like,' The Better it Is :)

My graphic designer from Minnesota, Jessica Lee, the genius who is designing my newspaper logos, has a special little Facebook video that she's hoping will generate loads of views and "likes." So I agreed to help her. The video is pretty funny:


The Frost Focus | Logo Launched, FrostFocus.com Up and Running

My second Navarro County newspaper under the Freedom of the Press Group umbrella has my favorite logo so far:

These logos aren't being made cheap ($100 per logo, and I've got about 10 or 15 of them coming for each entity), so I want these to be the face of these unique newspapers...

domingo, 27 de junio de 2010

UPDATED: The Venus Voice | TheVenusVoice.com is Up and Running

The Web site is up: TheVenusVoice.com
I'm curious how many readers I already have on The Ellis County Observer from Venus...a little town that incorporates portions of far-western Ellis County and eastern Johnson.Well, I'm happy to announce the logo for this new Freedom of the Press Group newspaper:

The Rice Reader | Logo Launched, Paper Coming Soon

Here's the newly minted logo for The Rice Reader newspaper that Freedom of the Press Group launched recently:

Special thanks to graphic designer Jessica Lee from Minnesota.

sábado, 26 de junio de 2010

Mid-Way Regional Airport | Pilots Revolt Over Andy Biery

Mid-Way Regional Airport manager Andy Biery is no stranger to critcism from this blog, or of public opinion in general. It's just a mystery why this son of a federal judge* has allowed to run roughshod over pilots, companies that do/did business with the airport and has allowed to escape scrutiny for padding his resume with things like, "I'm a Naval aviator" and "I have previous airport management experience." Both are lies. Both are not true. Both are made-up. Both would have resulted in someone in the private sector disgraced from their job.

Andy Biery is a problem and a liability at Mid-Way Regional Airport, and his coddlers and handlers known as the Mid-Way Regional Airport Board with Paula Baucum as the chair have allowed this guy to continue unabated.

Taxpayers from Midlothian and Waxahachie subsidize the airport -- and Biery's salary -- annually, so it's only fair that I remain a stick in the side of the airport, since ultimately, the accountability is a public street. If this were a private airport and a private situation, I probably wouldn't care as much. But we're talking millions of dollars in government contracts that may or may not have been signed to do work at the airport. We're talking about Biery pissing off TxDOT and others with his fees and hypocritical policy changes...like these:

To: The Ellis County Observer
Cc: The Palmer Post

Recently several long-time Midway Airport residents moved to Dallas Executive Airport. Now, instead of airplanes, the vacated hangars are housing recreational vehicles and at least one car.

Hangar 54, the hangar that was previously home to the banner towing operation.

Box Hangar B6, left vacant when the Merlin moved away.

The gentleman in the RV in Hangar B6 appears to be staying in it. At 11:00 PM his car was parked outside, the RV was inside the closed hangar with the RV's air conditioner running, the sides expanded and the shades drawn.
11:00 PM
So, we've recently lost an active aerial advertising business and a corporate turbine aircraft and this is what we are replacing them with? What was the purpose of all the meetings were every detail of the new leases was explored and the rules were examined so thoroughly? My husband and I were just asked to sign new leases for the three flight school hangars. Each lease contains the statement ". . . the leased premises shall be used solely for the storage of airworthy aircraft . . . "  To whom do these rules apply?
Thank you for your time in this.
Let's not stop there...what about the welding taking place around hangars and planes -- quite risky at a government airport. Surely there would be some sort of safety precautions taking place...or surely the "professionals" running the airport could get a handle on their poodle, Andy Biery. See, that's what Andy Biery has become, the poodle of the political establishment. No matter his lack of airport experience (anywhere, not in Arlington, not in Lancaster...) or the fact he was never a Naval aviator. Ever.

The safety of everyone at that airport has been blogged about before. The photo above is direct evidence that Andy Biery has no idea what he is doing...allowing welding to take place like this...I know if that were my plane and my hangar and my insurance company saw this, the risk level would skyrocket...

So, Waxahachie Councilman Mark Singleton, what's so great about Paula's leadership over the airport board with the scores of evidence to the contrary about this Andy "Poodle" Biery? How can one sit by as the house burns and say, "well the lawn is nice and pretty at least!"

Maybe it was the intention of those involved to make Biery get the needed licks...oh well, when Ennis breaks ground on their massive airport, I guess we could stuff balloons and RVs at Mid-Way.

YouTube | The Combine Massacre

"Jay-Jay" -- as in John Allen "Jay" Hoskins, the disgraced volunteer reserve detective (April '09-Dec. '09) for the Combine, Texas Police Dept. that finally got his man, Michael Meissner...a Kaufman County Dick Tracy is what they'll call him...well when this is all said and done, it'll be re-branded the Combine Massacre ---- as in The Ellis County Observer took on an entire department and every damn one of them are gone and will be gone...

Video Link 1: youtube.com/watch?v=jP6xegUf3-E

Video Link 2: youtube.com/watch?v=6MsMUvgxTEc

The Ellis County Observer submitted an open records request recently to the city of Arlington, where this particular raid occurred, and it was mentioned that only one Arlington Police Dept. officer was involved in the Combine SWAT raid.

Note: Every officer depicted in these KopBusters.com videos (Barry Cooper produces some amazingly effective work, you gotta admit) are now unemployed and/or will be unemployed soon.

Odds are the jury that perhaps will hear my civil rights lawsuit (though unrelated, "Jay-Jay" had me thrown in jail for 12 days with the help of these helmet-wearing Keystones because I refused to turn over an anonymouse e-mail that contained a mug shot of arrested Combine cop William Achey, and then I published the mug shot on this very blog...) will get to see what a gypsy cop SWAT team looks like...

Reporter Brannon Bridge's Field Trip to Combine, Texas

The cool thing about running one of the most widely read blogs in the entire state of Texas (literally...this is one of the most widely read blogs in Texas) is that anything I publish -- photo, article, opinion, etc. -- drifts up into Google searches frequently. Sometimes the photos we post are so popular that a search on Google Images will lead back to this site.

Reporter Brannon Bridge (b@thepalmerpost.com) took a field trip to Combine, Texas recently...

Permission granted to redistribute photos, print them, use them for scrap books, or enter them into evidence ;)

ECSO | 2 Escalades Seized by Sheriff Johnny Brown

Check out ECSOWatch.com for the first Escalade that was seized, but I finally got a glimpse of the newer one sitting out front of 300 S. Jackson:

Kinda makes you sick to know that a mere drug crime was a pretext for stealing someone's car. It's legalized auto theft, pure and simple...

Mosque-like Architecture in Cedar Hill?

Remember when I showed you guys the DeSoto Chamber of Commerce building and how Middle Eastern it looked? Or what about Red Oak High School's new Dome of the Hawk (haha, catchy isn't it?) on their $95 million high school...and now in Cedar Hill, has Bailey's always gone for the gold dome look, or is this just unique for Cedar Hill?

I'm tolerant of every religious faith, even while we are at war with some elements of certain groups that really do in fact want to butcher us (the federal government, via economics, is included in that list), so don't take this "observation" of local architecture as me being a Muslimophobe. Some of the most beautiful women in the world come from the Middle East.

Neighborhood Watch | A Citizens Crime Commission

Hey, guess what, I had this awesome great idea for starting a neighborhood watch program in Palmer, specifically the Green Acres neighborhood. Yeah, I'm calling it a citizens crime commission, but it's more or less a neighborhood watch. It's a loose-fit organization of Second Amendment-supporting neighbors and friends who are entrusted with keeping close contacts with the Palmer police department (and establishing a rapport with them) and making sure that children and young people are safe, and all that good stuff. I figure since no one else is using a citizens crime commission anywhere in this county, or saw to it that one would be established, I would just take it upon myself...I want to especially thank former Ellis County Sheriff's Office deputy Daryl Ray Spence (who is running for county commissioner against Bill Dodson in November, btw) for some guidance on this, as well as Palmer Chief John Zaidle for his department making a concerted effort to launch various neighborhood watch programs in Palmer, and of course to my Minnesota-based graphic designer for the first concept logo of what Green Acres Watch will be:

The Economist | Sovereign (World) Debt Chart

To show my readers how much of a nerd I am, I absorb as much information as possible from my favorite "newspaper" (the Brits call it a newspaper; Americans call it a magazine), The Economist. I was literally saying, "wow" four or five times when hovering my mouse over the world debt that each of these industrialized countries possess --- as a percentage of GDP:


We are only headed for implosion in this country. The fiat fat cats and their supporters have nothing to back our "currency" on except thin air and China's promises that they will continue to purchase our debt. It's all a very, very scary situation when one thinks that gold and silver used to be barometers to real "value."


When people wrap their mind and brain around just what exactly that "money" is that we work for, slave over, lust over...truly, truly understand what that currency is (it's a debt note, and that's it), then a lot of stress can be aleviated. Still, that doesn't mean we totally ignore it, or refuse to accept, spend, etc. it. Just means we need to re-define what "value" really means.


And oh, hey, who do you think the Chinese use as collateral for our debt anyway? I love answering this question when no one asks it (I volunteer this information): us. We are the collateral. Ever wonder why birth certificates and socialist security cards and marriage licenses and all those instruments we must obtain from governments sometimes find their way being traded like credit default swaps on a shadowy market? Well now you know! Because we literally are backed by the full faith and credit of the U.S. taxpayers...


jueves, 24 de junio de 2010

Roll Call | NRA-Backed DISCLOSE Act Passes U.S. House, 219-206

June 24, 2010

Dear Friend of Liberty,

Earlier today, the House of Representatives shredded the First Amendment by voting 219-206 to pass H.R. 5175, the DISCLOSE Act.

View the roll call here.

As hard as it is to believe, they made the bill (which should really be called the Establishment Protection Act) even worse in the hours leading up to the vote by including more provisions to benefit their Big Labor pals and to obtain further details on those opposed to their powergrabs.

Thanks to the actions of Campaign for Liberty members and other freedom-minded activists across the country, the vote on H.R. 5175 came down to the wire and was much closer than expected.  Your pressure reminded them that we are serious about holding our elected officials accountable for their actions.

Matter of fact, your calls made such an impact that Campaign for Liberty was even mentioned on the House floor during the debate!

This vote is by no means the end of the fight, and the battle to protect Americans’ right to free speech and to keep the federal government from gathering even more information about us now moves on to the Senate, where the bill faces many challenges.

There are several steps you can take to ensure the Establishment Protection Act is decisively defeated in the Senate.

First, contact your senators right away and make sure they know we have not given up on this critical issue.  Click here to find their contact information and urge them to oppose H.R. 5175 and all other attempts to curb free speech.

Next, call the NRA headquarters at 1-800-672-3888 and their Legislative Action group at 1-800-392-8683 and tell them to drop their compromise and actively oppose H.R. 5175.

Without their special deal with House leaders, DISCLOSE may have been stopped in its tracks before ever reaching the House floor in the first place.

Finally, please forward this email to your family, friends, neighbors, and coworkers so we can spread the message about the threat posed by the Establishment Protection Act.

Campaign for Liberty has enjoyed more success than the statists ever imagined possible, and they would love nothing more than to shut us down by going after our donors.

Let’s show them that the Freedom movement will never back down.

In Liberty,

John Tate


P.S. The battle rages on, but only your support will allow C4L to continuing challenging the big government agenda.  If you are able, please chip in $10 or $25 toward C4L's work today so we can defeat the Establishment Protection Act and any other bills that attack our freedoms.

Waxahachie City Council | News, Notes & Theories

Just read The Ellis County Press article on the Waxahachie City Council meeting the other night...seems there is some additional funds left over from the 1999 taxpayer-approved, taxpayer-funded Civic Center bond package. The Civic Center is needing some repairs of some sort, so the council voted 3-2 to spend some extra funds and make those repairs. Councilmen John Wray and Kevin Strength were the dissenting votes. Councilman/Mayor Buck Jordan, Chuck "DWI" Beatty and Mark Singleton voted for it.

Some on the council were kinda upset that no one knows how to get to the Civic Center. It's located in a prime location: the huge fat X in our county of I-35 and Hwy 287. How the Waxahachie taxpayers can continue to subsidize the Chamber of Commerce and yet still people can't find this place is beyond unbelievable belief. I partially blame the highway engineers though, because the Civic Center is in fact tricky to navigate. It's like a maze...

Speaking of Beatty, he's still on the city council after a DWI arrest, and with that arrest from Hutchins PD, one thing was also found: "drug or narcotic equipment." It was a pipe. One thing that the Mothers Against Drunk Driving has not done: called for Beatty's resignation. Haven't even ISSUED A PRESS RELEASE about this incident.

Here's my theory about new Councilman Mark Singleton, who is the CNB Texas head-honcho...when state Rep. Jim Pitts, R-Waxahachie, decides to retire, I think, personally, that Singleton will have attained the status of the appointed mayor title, and what better way to run for office as 1) the guy who literally runs the entire Ellis County economy from his downtown Waxahachie business, and 2) the banker who has the title of mayor, and who showers everyone with lovely financial contributions. State Rep. Mark Singleton, R-Waxahachie, has a nice ring to it doesn't it?

And, last but not least, Brian Garlitz, who recently ran the Ellis County GOP's Web site before being smashed in the March 2 GOP primary for county chair (third of three candidates), stepped aside as a nominee for Mid-Way Regional Airport Board chair in deferrence to Midlothian's Paula Baucum, a former councilwoman. I like Brian, I like Paula, but I suspect there was something a bit more robotic here: Garlitz was a chess piece to ensure that Paula would get the nomination. It just had to look like someone from Waxahachie needed the role, so in deference to her, Brian took one for the team. Midlothian and Waxahachie each appoint three board members to manage the taxpayer-funded airport; the seventh is a chair that is on a rotating basis among both towns. Waxahachie loved Paula, so they wanted her to remain there.

That's just my theory. And I totally disagree with Mark Singleton's assessment that Paula is doing a glowingly wonderful job managing the airport board. Where's the Paula Baucum that taught me the value of not being a consensus-minded person, about fighting the good fight?

How in the world can someone say that airport board has even remotely been a success when the dilapidated resume-padding, incompetent moron known as airport manager Andy Biery has helped steer clients away from the airport, steered TxDOT away from mixing Andy with their asphalt, and helped make a gigantic mess out there? He has no airport management experience! Perhaps he's just a chess piece too...but no one can doubt that Andy Biery is not qualified to even build a model airplane, let alone manage them.

Obit | Alton Adams, Rockett SUD Powerbroker, Dies

Man, talk about a shock reading The Ellis County Press today...Alton Adams, the guy who basically made Rockett Special Utility District, died at age 82. He will definitely be missed.

Emergency Services District No. 4 | Dub Nowell on Monday Agenda

Our county commissioners can do no wrong by appointing former Red Oak fire chief Dub Nowell to the Emergency Services District No. 4 board of directors. He's on the agenda for Monday night's commissioners court meeting. He would bring an immense amount of experience to ESD No. 4.

Commissioners Court | More Federal Funds...When Did Ellis County Get an 'Emissions Enforcement Officer?'

It never fails...it really doesn't...our commissioners are meeting Monday at 6 p.m. The agenda seeks to get commissioners to accept more federal bailout money...and what's this with an Ellis County Emissions Enforcement Officer?
Consideration and action for a letter of commendation to local inspection stations from the Ellis County Emissions Enforcement Officer and the County Commissioners and the County Judge.
Brad Elliott, Deputy, Constable Pct 2

Consideration and action to authorize the County Judge to sign an agreement with the Texas Comptroller of Public Accounts for an Energy Efficiency and Conservation Block Grant (EECBG) in the amount of $138,184, funded through the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA). Funds to be used to perform an energy audit on the existing county jail and the retrofit of some equipment identified in the energy audit.
Joe White, Engineer

Like Debra Medina, Sen. Brian Birdwell Favors Eliminating Property Taxes

Hell yeah, looks like Debra Medina has an ally to take up her cause of eliminating property taxes in Texas. Article here: texastribune.org/texas-politics/2010-legislative-races/new-state-senator-from-sd-22-talks-eligibility/

Locally, we had Midlothian Councilman Ken Chambers (he lost re-election on May 8) favor eliminating property taxes.

It's an issue that needs to be hit to the hilt, because property taxes are merely governmental rent payments. You people are pricing younger people like me out of considering buying whole parcels of land due to the perverse property tax structure.
Ya, ya, ya, then you'll have people who say their "values" will plummet. People, you need to educate yourselves on what money really is. These things called dollars are not money. They are notes. When the "value" of a property goes up, that doesn't mean the literal value of the property goes up. That means the dollar is becoming worth-less. It's economic science. Research it.

SD-22 | This is Why Ennis Should Concede Political Media to Me

I don't think the Ennis Daily News publisher is from around here. Tre Bischof's recent editorial about Brian Birdwell's victory over the political establishment candidate (David Sibley was as establishment as one can get) in the June 22 run-off for Senate District 22 had me shaking my head when I got to this point:
Important to note is that the district's tradition of conservative leadership in Austin seems to have been upheld with Birdwell's election.
Anyone who has followed our senate district in Austin knows that we have never had "tradition of conservative leadership." Outgoing state Sen. Kip Averitt, R-McGregor, was a Democratic-voting Republican ballot holder. He might have sided with true conservatives on a few issues, but overall, the Democrats didn't need to field a candidate because he was a Democrat. McLennan County held power over SD-22 for so long it's hard to figure out what a "conservative" senate district would look like.

The closest state senate district I can think of that is remotely conservative is SD-7, home to Dan Patrick. Want conservative? THAT's conservative. To her credit, Jane Nelson, R-Lewisville, who has a sister that lives in Waxahachie (very nice lady!), was once our state senator. I'd trade Nelson for an Averitt any day, but now that Birdwell is our state senator, we will once and for all have true conservative leadership in Austin, both in the senate and on the State Republican Executive Committee.

The EDN's editorial is like saying House District 10, of which Jim Pitts, R-Waxahachie, has represented since 1993 (elected in '92), is "conservative." The district itself, yes, but the representative in Austin, no. Definitely not a conservative.

Waxahachie Daily Light Hit on House Fire Article

The Waxahachie Daily Light is notorious for their ads leaving out information, their articles being so warped with cover-ups of crooked politicians, misspellings beyond belief and other wayward things. Here's an example of a reader who takes issue with a recent story from reporter Paul Gauntt:
I don't even know where to start.. My house caught fire 6/9.more specifically my bedroom. As i'm watching the fire dept do there job, I see a chubby middle aged man stroll onto the scene..he was wearing a reflective vest with "press" written on the back.. Now i'm a ballsy feminist..no man can intimidate me..i knew exactly what this guy was doing.. So I calmly walked over to him and told him to leave. He looked at me and walked over to the fire chief. Then he disappeared. The next day a friend texts me and asks me if ive seen the paper. I get on wdl.com..and I hit the roof. First of all. He (paul gauntt) published our address. Were unlisted because my mom is a manager for a fortune 500 company. for our own safety. Second, he used our last name. I'm a type b personality, i'm a very private person. I felt exposed. Thirdly, he didn't have any facts in the case so he made things up. He said an overloaded surge protector caused the fire. a faulty tower fan was the cause. Then he said i was at home when the fire started. I wasn't. I came home to it. Lastly he said there was $8,000-10,000 in damages. How does he know that? There was over $40,000 in damages! The day after the article came out, I sent him an email clearly expressing my anger. Ive gotten no response. I can forward you the email if u want. I have a firm grasp on the first amendment right to freedom of the press. he put my business out there like he had every right to..don't I have a right to privacy? I lost everything I owned and this is a total kick in the teeth. What i'm asking you is, who do I have to light a fire under to make sure this doesn't happen to another family going through this tragedy? Your thoughts and opinions are greatly appreciated. Thanks for your time.

Maggi R. Archdeacon
My response was that media/press people typically publish the names and addresses of incidents. It's routine. Hell, the New England newspapers I read had published the exact addresses for people who got arrested. However, the media/press don't have automatic entitlements to enter onto private property regardless of the incident. I for sure have done the same thing, but if I were asked to leave, I'd definitely leave...

And you folks can kiss my butt if you think I'm going to wear a wimpy-looking press vest. I know that's a requirement or some crap for wrecks on the side of the highway, but I refuse. I will show my press pass in my car and in my wallet, and that's it.

Do not attempt to restrict freedom of the press...

Freedom of the Press Group Commissions Logo Designs

My media entity that contains such properties as The Ellis County Observer and The Palmer Post --- Freedom of the Press Group --- has an ad director and as of today, an on-staff graphic artist/logo designer. We will be commissioning logos for the following newspapers that are set to launch (still don't have a timeline on this):

The Rice Reader (Navarro County)
The Frost Focus (Navarro County)
The Vensus Voice (Johnson County)
The Milford Messenger
The Italy Informer
The Maypearl Memo

There are some other projects we'll get logos for too, but the official corporate look of FOTP Group is also being commissioned.

More information about FOTP Group can be found on Page 11 of The Palmer Post: thepalmerpost.com

miércoles, 23 de junio de 2010

Dalton Lott, Parkland Defend Breaking Open Meetings Act, Premature Birth Actions

Is this the same Dalton Lott who is the political equivalent to Tony Soprano in Duncanville (the chair of Pro-Dunc PAC)? The same Dalton Lott who oversees Parkland Hospital's quality and risk management committee, the very body that was featured in the Dallas Morning News Metro section today?

Parkland, a taxpayer-funded abyss of a hospital, is apparently not meeting World Health Organization standards of keeping premature babies warm enough after they are delivered via C-sections (I refuse to acknowledge the offensive term, "preemies" that the DMN refers to these living human beings as.)

Not that I'm a fan of subscribing to a world body known for implementing the actual AIDS virus in African nations or promoting the widespread use of lethal doses of poison in children's vaccines, or better yet, hyping up the very-real BS of the H1N1 fear-mongering.

But the open meetings violations are extremely clear, judging by the questions these Parkland executives and busybodies were asking in haste towards the DMN reporters. How arrogant! The public agenda, according to the DMN, never listed an executive session item, but after some scrutiny over the premature birth temperature issue, Parkland's board went behind closed doors for almost four hours.

If this Dalton Lott is the very Dalton Lott I think it is, he is helping assist Parkland in violating the Open Meetings Act.

Welcome, New 22nd District Sen. Brian Birdwell, R-Granbury

I think it's safe to say that Senate District 22 finally -- finally! -- has a true conservative to represent us.

The Ellis County Observer, by virtue of being one of the widely read conservative blogs in the state, will scrutinize our leaders 500 times closer to make sure they don't step out of line...that I can assure you.

martes, 22 de junio de 2010

1 More Thing: My Illegally Seized E-Mails Have Not Been Returned

Combine's city secretary still has not found CD-ROMs of Gmail/Hotmail e-mails that were illegally obtained in Combine police search warrants issued last fall. This all stems from me publishing a mug shot of ex-Combine cop William Achey on my blog. Then-"Detective" John Allen "Jay" Hoskins had me arrested and did all this bogus investigation crap on me because I refused to reveal the anonymous e-mail address that sent me the mug shot. I spent 12 days in jail for publishing a damn mug shot on this very blog...well, the reason the search warrant was illegal was because Hoskins listed 86th District Court Judge Howard Tygrett in the "injured party" list of the so-called probable cause affidavit (which included no probable cause.)

I submitted an open records request to Combine City Hall two weeks ago for those CD-ROMs that were turned over by Microsoft and Google...but Combine can't find them.

John Allen "Jay" Hoskins better turn those over if in fact his pork-and-beans little fingers took them with him to East Texas where he is currently in hiding...

See Also:



Combine, Texas Police Chief Brian Robinson Fired?

A few days ago, the Combine, Texas City Council voted (reportedly) to fire their police chief, Brian Robinson. The city is being sued by me for false imprisonment last fall in a case that can be read about here: crookedcombine.com and here: gypsycopjay.com.

The suit was filed Friday in Kaufman County District Court (86th, to be exact), and with Robinson gone, that makes four Combine workers who have resigned and/or been fired: "Detective" John Allen "Jay" Hoskins, the ex-writer of mine who I fired and who then had me thrown in jail after an investigation into publishing a mug shot on this very blog; Police Chief Steve Allen; City Secretary Karla Strachan;

Plus the fact that Councilwoman Mitzi Boyd got defeated for re-election on May 8. Two other council members who originally agreed to allow Hoskins to destroy the city with his fishing expedition and civil rights violations did not seek re-election this year.

I am ready to start doing media interviews, if anyone is interested:
Joey G. Dauben

SD-22 | Kip Averitt Won't Run. Sets Up GOP, Democrats to Choose Nominee for Nov. 2

Kip Averitt needs to resign, withdraw, get out of the state senate...his hand-picked successor, David Sibley, lost bad tonight, in a special election run-off. While the Democrats and others arm themselves to take Brian Birdwell off the ballot via the courts due to not having his birth certificate all the eligibility questions, the focus now becomes on the liberal state senator that has "represented" us in Austin since 2002: Averitt.

Perhaps our new SD-22 State Republican Executive Committee members (Jimmie Kerr & Janet Jackson), elected at the GOP convention two weeks ago, could float a resolution calling on Averitt to make due on his word and step aside...
From Michael Quinn Sullivan:

It was a great Tuesday night for conservatives and another impressive win was added to the column of Empower Texans / Texans for Fiscal Responsibility endorsees with Lt. Col. Brian Birdwell’s landslide victory in the Senate District 22 special election.

But nothing is ever easy. Mr. Bidwell's 58% win should be the final word on the expressed desire and preference of voters (and Republicans). Unfortunately, the outgoing moderate state senator, Kip Averitt, is making noise about not giving up his seat to the conservative Brian Birdwell. Confused? A reasonable person should be.

It's a prime case of elitist conceit. Mr. Averitt may well be Exhibit A in explaining why so many people have given up on what they see as a corrupt, good-old-boy political system.

Remember, Mr. Averitt managed to mangle his transition into political retirement, forcing a series of very costly elections. He had announced he wouldn't seek re-election (for vaguely described “health” reasons), but too late for his name to be removed from the 2010 March primary ballot. (That means absent other action, he is the GOP nominee for November.) So he resigned his seat so he could give his predecessor (lobbyist David Sibley) a chance to re-take the seat in a special election. But he cynically held the nomination – apparently as a trump in case voters got uppity.

As they did. It seems the people weren't interested in having a squishy senator-turned-lobbyist in the seat, thank you very much.

Since the election didn't go his way, Sen. Averitt says maybe he'll just stay on the ballot. Never mind doing so would clearly subvert the political will of his constituents. To top it off, he’ll be responsible for wasting untold thousands (millions?) of dollars in the cost of special elections, not to mention political donations for campaigns and the untold efforts of volunteers for the various candidates.

Is ‘selfish’ too strong of a word here? Or not strong enough?

To top it off, Mr. Averitt is says he might stay on the ballot because of the spurious charge Mr. Birdwell isn't eligible to serve. Mr. Birdwell is a Texas native and life-long legal resident, who honorably served our nation in the armed forces and survived the 9/11 attack on the Pentagon. (The several months in which he wasn’t a legally a resident was because he was undergoing a series of painful operations repairing injuries inflicted by our nation’s enemies.)

The people clearly expressed, through their vote – and despite relentless negative attacks by Averitt, Sibley and Co. – that Mr. Birdwell is eligible to serve them, that he meets the spirit and intent of the law.

You know, Joey,what really galls those of the moderate-to-liberal bent? It's that Mr. Birdwell is an actual conservative. Not the “campaign” type who votes with liberals when he thinks no one's watching, but the real kind who takes seriously the values and principles of liberty.

The people clearly preferred Mr. Birdwell's clear, commonsense message.

Now it's time for Mr. Averitt should respect the expressed preference of the voters, not subvert it. He should support his party’s team, not undermine it. He should respect the expressed preference of the voters, not subvert it. If he cannot be helpful, he should be silent. At the very least, Mr. Averitt should just go quietly into the political night and retire as he announced.

For Texas,
Michael Quinn Sullivan
Empower Texans / Texans for Fiscal Responsibility
PO Box 200248, Austin, TX 78720
(512) 236-0201

SD-22 Run-Off | Brian Birdwell Destroys David Sibley in Ellis County in Win. Now What?

Source: WacoTrib.com
Senate District 22 | Run-Off
Brian Birdwell - 14,198 (votes) - 57%
David Sibley -10,333 - 42%
In Ellis County, Birdwell crushed Sibley 1,528 to 670.

The Ellis County Observer was one of those Birdwell votes.

More SD-22: wacotrib.com/news/Birdwell-defeats-Sibley-in-state-Senate-special-election-runoff.html

If Dallas PD Chief David Brown Were White, Would He Resign Then?

I don't believe Dallas Police Dept. Chief David Brown should resign because his adult-demonically possessed son shot and killed a Lancaster cop, a black cop at that. However, many voices are saying Brown should resign his position. Sure, it's pretty heart-breaking to know your kin would kill a police officer...but why should Chief Brown resign?

Now let's switch up the storyline, just for discussion purposes: if Chief David Brown were white, and his son were white, and the cop was black, do you think the NAACP and civil rights leaders would be rushing to Brown's defense? I would say hell no they wouldn't...rules for them vs. rules for us. That's just how it is...

This is simply for discussion and debate purposes. Again, I don't believe Brown should have to resign, no matter the outcry on KLIF 570 AM.

It's Happening | Oncor 'Line Fee' Added to Bills -- Cap-and-Trade Will Be Worse

So, those who continue to support the policies of this current administration are now going to dictate to the rest of Ellis County what will be common: more and more and more and more fees on utility bills, among other things. Oncor has hit people's bills with "line fees," according to several readers of The Palmer Post. I hope you folks really love your green sustainable living bullshit now...because it's obvious this gouging by government is resulting in these utility companies (who are half-ass regulated...not fully deregulated because Oncor still owns the lines) jacking up fees...as usual.

What's even more, churches, volunteer fire departments and non-profits are being hit with these fees more and more...

Bristol | County Regulations Prohibit Fire Station Getting Water

How ironic and disgusting this must be for those in the unincorporated area of Bristol, near the eastern Ellis County boundary...those in the Emergency Services District (rural fire district) who pay taxes to fund rural fire service cannot get a fire station because county regulations prohibit them from getting water...why are they prohibited, according to Bristol residents, from getting this water? Because the land a new fire station would sit on (or the current one) is not at least 1 acre in size, and therefore, cannot have a septic system.

Let the record show that Bristol resides within Precinct 2. Bill Dodson is the incumbent Republican facing Libertarian Daryl Ray Spence in the fall.

When county regulations prohibit public services necessities such as fire service, it's time to start taking politicians out of office...

Mid-Way Regional Airport | Irate Customers Turned Away @ Balloon Event

I attempted to verify some reports from pilots, law enforcement and consumers that many were turned away last weekend from seeing the annual balloon festival at Mid-Way Regional Airport (a taxpayer-subsidized airport from the cities of Midlothian and Waxahachie), and with all due respect to the organizer of the event, this blog's role is not to focus on the nice, fuzzy, fluffy, sugar-coated stuff.

When people are pissed off that they wanted to pay $10 to see hot-air balloons float into the sky and were instead turned away because of the authoritarian liar-on-a-resume airport board manager, Andy Biery, I owe it to my readers and those who want a forum/voice to complain to provide such a service.

There's an entire stockpile of Andy Biery archives on Google if readers want to accumulate some quick knowledge...but the reports I received from angry law enforcement, irate consumers and others are that many were turned away...

Sadly, you didn't read that in the Waxahachie Daily Light or even The Ellis County Press. The WDL, though, to its credit, did run Andy Biery's resume background information that was totally bogus and full of more air than that which was pumped into those balloons.

Ennis | Smoking Ban Word Games

It's good to see opposition --- elected --- to the city of Ennis' unconstitutional citywide smoking ban. Ward 1 Commissioner Jeremie Salik, a smoker who defeated smoking ban author Red Sanders on May 8, dissented, he did not "abstain." He dissented.

The media needs to get a grasp of basic political/legal terminology. The Ward 1 commissioner Salik voted against putting this smoking ban together. HE DISSENTED. HE DID NOT ABSTAIN.

The Ennis Daily News could do a better job of educating people if they would simply get the word games in order. That's not to say I haven't been wrong before, because God knows I have, but I fully expect people to point that out when I do get it wrong.

But when you vote in opposition, you do not "abstain." You dissent. Abstaining from votes are you not voting on the issue at all.
Kudos to Salik for being the only city commissioner to stand up for private property rights for business owners. Ward 1 voters showed the smoking ban author Sanders the door --- in a big way. Sanders finished with 21 votes. Remember, this is a district that got rid of Byron Walker and replaced him with Sanders two years ago. But Sanders proposed the smoking ban -- a citywide one -- and he got his butt handed to him in the election.
I want to test-run a few contested Ward races and see how an anti-smoking candidate faces against one of the entrenched guys...a 5-1 vote is a start...it's the piece of chink in the armor that Ennis has now ...and maybe with Salik's starting it off, we can all get behind others to show that there's at least one...because all it takes is one to show us the way.

Lawsuit vs. Combine, Texas | Judge Howard Tygrett Recusal

Ah, so my lawsuit against the city of Combine, Texas for allowing their run-amok police department (notably, John Allen Jay Hoskins) to falsely imprison me for 12 days last fall has been filed in Kaufman County's 86th District Court, home to Judge Howard "Tyrant" Tygrett.

Tygrett, if you folks will recall, was listed as an "injured party" in the bogus search warrant affidavit Hoskins filed; Tygrett signed the damn warrant to seize my e-mails (Gmail/Hotmail), and now is under a microscope with the Texas Commission on Judicial Conduct. That search warrant led to an arrest warrant to force me to disclose a source of an e-mail that had a mug shot of William Achey, at the time a Combine reserve officer who was arrested for impersonating an officer, ironically.The email was anonymously sent, but Hoskins accused me of a third-degree felony three times just for receiving the e-mail. I was put in jail for publishing a mug shot of a pig on my blog.

If it's any consolation, Hoskins' mug shot will be the next thing I publish...

Journalist shield laws and the Constitutional amendments that are still in force THANK GOD have made Hoskins a defector. You don't jail people for publishing things...Judith Miller at the New York Times found out the hard way though, too. Her settlement was big, as well.

Oh, so about the recusal. Obviously Tygrett would be a total idiot if he doesn't voluntarily recuse himself. In fact, I believe every elected official in Kaufman County was listed as an injured party ("injured party" being that I wrote bad articles about them...no joke, it was in Hoskins' affidavit), so therefore, I'd have to get a visiting judge to hear my case!

How fun this is going to be...

lunes, 21 de junio de 2010

Lancaster Officer Craig Shaw's TCLEOSE Background & Training

For those curious to know, Lancaster Police Dept. Officer Craig Shaw was a former DeSoto police officer, and his background in law enforcement -- plus his training -- was definitely more than enough to prepare him for protecting and serving. TCLEOSE released this officer status report to The Ellis County Observer/The Palmer Post yesterday:


Meanwhile, The Ellis County Observer has been throttled with Web traffic since this story broke out Sunday evening...all I ask is that people seek out the full truth on this ordeal...and much of it has been posted on the Dallas Morning News article in comments. The Ellis County Observer reporter Brandon P. Reed is investigating this further, discussing it with witnesses at the apartment complex in Lancaster...

This Lancaster police hero needs to be remembered by everyone. It is the first officer killed in the line of duty in Lancaster. Side note, even though this is truly a side note: pronounce it Lanc-ister, not Lanc-aster. (to the media people)

Texas Insurance Commissioner Mike Geeslin Could Stop ObamaCare

Mike Geeslin is from Oak Leaf. He's a Red Oak High School graduate. He's also the Texas insurance commissioner, and a very, very nice guy. In fact, in an interview with him last year I believe it was, you'd be hard pressed to know this guy is a state agency director. He's just real down-to-earth.

But enough of the niceties...this is war. Mike Geeslin could be the key to stopping ObamaCare's mandate in Texas, and wouldn't it be pretty kick ass that Ellis County, Texas had a link in halting it? It's time to bypass the state legislature since they don't want to tackle nullifying this, and bypassing Gov. Rick Perry who doesn't want to reject federal bribe money. And even Attorney General Greg Abbott, we must bypass the courts and implement this stop via the bureaucracy...

And since Obama met recently with state insurance commissioners to talk about implementing the law, and with the advent of the coming HealthCare.gov Web site, the attention squares directly on what we in Texas can do to assist Commissioner Geeslin in his efforts to stop this.

Contact Commissioner Mike Geeslin:
Texas Department of Insurance
Attn: Stop ObamaCare


Commissioner's Office
Commissioner of Insurance - Mike Geeslin

Chief of Staff/Senior Associate Commissioner - Karen Phillips
General Counsel & Chief Clerk - Gene Jarmon
Internal Audit - Greg Royal, Director
Associate Commissioner for Government Relations - Carol Cates
Commissioner's Ombudsman - Sylvia Myler
Public Information Office - Ben Gonzalez

Executive Services - Laverne Chase

Election Results | June 22, 2010 Run-Off: David Sibley vs. Brian Birdwell

Turnout will be severely low, so only the real well-connected and activated activists will actually bother to showu p today to vote. But, here's the blog post to track results...

And some reading material while you wait:

Latest News from the Republican Liberty Caucus
Recent Events
* Huge Republican Liberty Caucus Victories in California, Maine, South Carolina
* Florida Bully Jim Greer Arrested, Florida RLC Members Happy
* Nebraska RLC Hosts Governor Gary Johnson, Holds 2010 Convention
* Texas RLC Hosts Statewide Reorganizing Meeting
* Mike Lee and Gary Johnson Speak to Utah Republican Liberty Caucus
* Wisconsin RLC Reaches Out at State GOP Convention

* Finding Candidates for Liberty
Other Events
* RLC Elects New Western, Northeast, and Southern Regional Directors
* Maine RLC created a new PAC to support candidates
* Indiana RLC has new Chairman, William Willette
* New Hampshire RLC has new Chairman, Andrew Hemingway
* Utah RLC elected new Board of Directors and welcomes new Chairman, Julian Babbitt
* North Carolina RLC Reached Out at Recent GOP Convention

RSVP to the 2011 RLC National Convention on Facebook: facebook.com/event.php?eid=125869080781872
Learn about the 2011 RLC Convention on Feb. 12, 2011: rlc.org/2011-national-convention/
Become a Facebook Fan of the RLC: facebook.com/pages/Republican-Liberty-Caucus/124092242236

Follow the RLC on Twitter: Twitter.com/RLC_Updates

The Ellis County Press Reporter Megan Gray Engaged

What's more exciting: the fact the girl you hired (Megan Gray) and helped train two years ago starts racking up award after award from the Texas Press Association, or, the fact the girl you hired two years ago is now engaged before you are? Ha. I think it is well past the excitement phase for both parts. I am definitely a very happy individual to report that my friend Megan is now engaged to Erik Hatfield, the son of The Ellis County Press publisher. A big congratulations goes out to both of them.

Her recent awards from the TPA journalism contests - including first place news writing - is definitely something I'm proud of. This just tops it off :)

Andrew W. Griffin | BP Oil Spill Was Intentional

It is becoming increasingly clear that this oil disaster was tailor-made for Obama and the bankers who want cap and tax and climate legislation. Look at BP - for a while they have been touting how "green" and environmentally sound they are. And then look at all the campaign contributions they made to Obama. Everything points to this being a deliberate disaster. 11 people are already dead and countless marine life is gone. Jobs are evaporating. People along the Gulf coast are becoming increasingly desperate. Obama could care less. Tony "the Yachtsman" Hayward could care less.

Check out this video ...

Andrew W. Griffin
West Marie Media
P.O. Box 1881
Oklahoma City, OK 73101
(405) 420-2940

The Palmer Post | June 14-July 1 Issue Now Online

Due to a delay at the print shop, The Palmer Post had to merge two issues into one. However, this issue is unedited, meaning there are still minor changes to be made before the paper is printed. Here's the June 14/July 1 issue: thepalmerpost.wordpress.com/2010/06/22/the-palmer-post-june-14-july-1-2010-issue/

Lancaster Police Shooting | Craig Shaw the 1st LPD Officer Killed in Line of Duty

There are lots of things floating around on the comments of the Dallas Morning News article: dallasnews.com/sharedcontent/dws/dn/latestnews/stories/062110dnmetlancaster.c20ebd52.html

But here are some questions I have:

Was the regional tactical unit that Craig Shaw belonged to the same tactical unit created/started/funded by and with the DeSoto/Red Oak/Midlothian/Ovilla/Cedar Hill tactical unit(s)?
Why are some in law enforcement and the TV media tipping The Ellis County Observer that Dallas Police Chief David Brown's son was one of the shooters? And is this/has this been looked into more?

Please remain mindful of all the victims and officers of this tragedy, plus their families. But only a thorough full investigation will get to the truth, and I want to be a constant reminder that no matter the situation or who is involved, the truth must remain the ultimate goal.

Precinct 1 | Constituent is Pissed Over Roads

FYI: I supplied this constituent with Precinct 1 Commissioner Dennis Robinson's e-mail address (dennis.robinson@co.ellis.tx.us) after receiving a request to publish this:
I built my home in precinct 1 out of Palmer that has a Red Oak mailing address & Red Oak Schools etc. sixteen years ago. Although we appear to be in the city & our neighborhood is taxed as though we lived in Highland Park ( $200,000.00 ) we get the Three Stooges  ( Larry, Moe & Curly ) type of road repair & water drainage & services. ( NO ) code enforcement. High grass, dogs running loose, ditches with standing water & they don't spray for the mesquitos that breed in it ? It's like that all over. Please see the attached pictures. This happens all the time & is a TOTAL WASTE of TIME & TAXPPAYER MONEY. They literally spray oil ( NOT ) asphalt & then spray enough gravel to pave another road & then drive off & leave it for the cars to drive on. I have seen them do this after a rain with water standing ? They don't roll it or do anything to make it stick. It can't stick or embed itself it's NOT asphalt. This is ( NOT ) a farm to market road this is a residential neighborhood. I would love the commissioner to drive his personal just washed & waxed car down the street. I'm not sure what rocket scientist came up with this method & I hope you will expose them. These were pictures from June 8th. in front of my house. I have called & left messages & talked to Carol 972-449-3260 & so has my wife & six days later I have not received a return call & obviously they have NO intent to clean up this mess in front of my house. This needs to be cleaned up. Someone will have a wreck. Teenagers fly up & down the street. Usually it's piled up at the stop signs & red lights & you slide right through the stop signs & red lights because of the excess gravel. It gets stuck under your car, in your tires, in the driveway & ultimately in the garage & on your shoes & into the house. I was getting pelted with it being thrown from cars driving up & down the road while I was mowing my own yard. PLEASE COME TAKE A LOOK !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I ASSURE you, you will be able to SEE what a BAD joke & WASTE of MONEY $$ this is. Everything you see in the pictures will sweep up it is NOT sticking to the road & there were no pot holes in front of my house to begin with ? I have almost slid off my own driveway just turning into it & the mail man almost hit my mailbox. HELP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! PLEASE !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Richard Bowren

505 Rushy Creek Trail

Red Oak, Tx 75154


Answers as Door Doctor

Thanks in advance.

domingo, 20 de junio de 2010

Lancaster Cop Killed; Son of Dallas Chief David Brown Killed

This is a bizarre story, and even more ironicaly bizarre is the fact that for some reason, this entire week I had Dallas Police Chief David Brown's son on my heart...I don't know exactly why I felt the need to think about Chief Brown's son, but perhaps it was something on a spiritual plane that I cannot understand. What CBS 11 reported tonight, though, is sad news for law enforcement: a Lancaster cop is dead. The son of Chief Brown is dead. The Internet is buzzing with all sorts of people who are reporting all sorts of things...I'm not sure what the details are, but my thoughts and prayers are with the Lancaster PD and Chief Brown. I just hope and pray, too, that we are given the full details of what happened and that no forces beyond our eyesight will conceal anything...a thorough explanation is warranted in this tragic situation...

Online Petition to Save Downtown Water Tower

Details can be found over at The Palmer Post Web site, or here: ipetitions.com/petition/palmertexas/

Advertisement | Taxpayers Alliance for Good Government

The Ellis County non-partisan taxpayer organization comes out and about every school bond election to educate and inform voters on taxes and debt. The Palmer Post publisher, Joey G. Dauben, is the chairman of TAGG once again, and has made efforts to educate the public on economic and financial issues. Membership is free, and by adding your name to a historic taxpayer advocacy group, we can stand in greater numbers to fight back attempts to tax-and-saturate us with constant governmental debt.

Newspaper Publisher/Blogger Sues Combine, Texas Over False Imprisonment

As was reported Friday, a lawsuit was filed against the City of Combine, Texas in Kaufman County district court pertaining to the false imprisonment of The Ellis County Observer publisher Joey G. Dauben, who at the time of his illegal search and seizure and arrest, was the publisher of The Plymouth, N.H. Review newspaper (the search and seizures, confiscation of computer/camera equipment were violations of journalist shield laws.) Dauben was arrested for publishing a mug shot of an arrested Combine reserve officer (William Achey) on his blog; he was accused of committing felonies for receiving the anonymous e-mail and publishing the mug shot. Charges against Dauben were rejected by Dallas County prosecutors, not dropped.  Dauben served 12 days in jail - falsely - from Sept. 14 to Sept. 25, in North Haverill, N.H., in Grafton County (Dauben's apartment in Plymouth was located 35 minutes away.) After Dauben's release, which came six days after Dallas County rejected the charges but still left him in jail, he moved back to Ellis County. Shortly thereafter, Combine Chief Steve Allen resigned, as did others (see below.)

A letter released recently from a Dallas County constable accuses Combine police detective (who was a volunteer reserve officer who coordinated the entire "investigation" and arrest of Dauben) John Allen "Jay" Hoskins of official oppression, among other things.Hoskins later resigned, as did the city secretary. Hoskins later alleged that Chief Allen and now-Chief Brian Robinson led the entire investigation and arrest, and vice versa.

Click Here to View a Full Version of this Letter: i824.photobucket.com/albums/zz163/thepalmerpost/Picture2-1.jpg

(Hoskins is reportedly living hiding in Paris, Texas now)

Archived Stories/Articles/Editorials on the Combine situation: CrookedCombine.com & GypsyCopJay.com

sábado, 19 de junio de 2010

Midlothian | Curfew Ordinance, Mid-Towne & North Texas Vision 2050

Lots of meat on Tuesday's Midlothian City Council agenda buffet line: tx-midlothian.civicplus.com/archives/31/Ra2010-0622.pdf
-- Curfew ordinance for juveniles

-- More changes to the Mid-Towne "downtown" development (what good are rules if you change them as you play the game?)

-- A regional blueprint for North Texas called Vision 2050...zero in on this one for sure.

ECSO Salaries | 2010 -- Partial List

















































viernes, 18 de junio de 2010

ECSO | Hirings, Firings, Demotions, Promotions

I requested the past six months worth of hirings, firings, promotions, newly commissioned officers, etc. from the Ellis County Sheriff's Office (See Also: ECSOWatch.com), and here's what I got:

HIRINGS:                             COMMISSIONED

Diane Barber

Josh Newman

Jeffery Stone

Klinton Valley

Nate Eggleston - Reserve

James Fabby - Reserve

Jeffary Holland - Reserve


James Clifton

Arthur Edwards

Lee Garcia

Tracy Holloway

Connie Nash

Ryan Whitmore

John Ford

Westmoreland Skipper

Matthew Holliday

Justin Pillow

John Prather

Joshua Martyn

Matthew Holliday

Eric Bennet

Eric Thompson

Christopher Coffey

Angelo Brock Jr

Cory Tramel

TERMINATED:                    Joel Downs

Robert Webster

Bradley Yarrington

Connie Nash

RESIGNED:                          Brittni King

Nathan Bickerstaff

Wes Moyer

Georgia Morgan

Aaron McDonald

Eric Thompson

Shelby Lytle

Heathr Rider

Joshua Rider

Tracy Holloway

Jessica Rickard

Michael Stevens

DEMOTIONS:                     Robin Stewart

Julio Hernandez

Phil Slaughter

Ruperto Hernandez

Charles Wagner

PROMOTIONS:                  Michael Enriquez

Joseph Maddox

Casey Johnson

Tony Prie

Joel Rolland

Mike Boyd

Shane Thompson

Edward Santos

Chris Hilliard

Josh Tate

Carol Darling

John Callaway

Joshua Atilano

Richard White

Joseph Fitzgerald

Michael Tobey

Michael McKenna

Kenneth Hatcher

Jerry Whitt

William Coleman

Charles Wagner

Ryan Wagner

RETIREMENTS:                  James Fabby

Jackie Vinson

J L Oxford

Ron Pullin

Robert Polley

LEAVE OF ABSENCE:      Sonjah Price

Conrad Dalquest

Christopher Moon

Michael Stevens

Elizabeth Wood

Freedom of the Press Group Hires Ad Director

FOTP Group hires ad director

The Palmer Post

PALMER - The Freedom of the Press Group has hired a talented ad executive to assist in The Palmer Post's expansion plans.

Brandon Chance, a former Midlothian High School classmate of The Palmer Post publisher Joey G. Dauben, will chart the course for an ambitious expansion into smaller towns in and around Ellis County.

The objectives are to take the 12-page concept paper into towns that currently have no coverage.

Freedom of the Press Group is an entity with properties such as The Ellis County Observer and The Palmer Post, and its expansion includes the: Rice Reader; Milford Messenger; Italy Informer; Maypearl Memo; Venus Voice and the Navarro County paper, The Frost Focus.

"I had all of these ideas and goals, and no other newspaper wanted them, so I'm doing it myself," Dauben, 29, said.

Freedom of the Press Group also came out with a new motto:

"To go into towns where local papers have neglected, to give a forum for dialogue and debate, to reach the lost and remain watchdogs on local government, while ensuring our liberties are protected and maintained."

Dauben said he came up with the expansion plans and motto "pumped on eight cups of coffee."

Poll | Would You Vote for an Atheist District Attorney?

The specific nature of this poll question pertains to the upcoming candidacy by prosecutor Patrick M. Wilson for county/district attorney and the fact that he is an avowed atheist...

Would You Vote for an Atheist for District Attorney?

Absolutely Not

Sure, Why Not?


Free polls from Pollhost.com

Combine, Texas | I File Suit Today

The City of Combine, Texas will be sued today for my false imprisonment for 12 days last fall. I am seeking unspecified monetary damages for the case that is now documented on: CrookedCombine.com and GypsyCopJay.com

For media interviews, requests for comment, etc., please utilize the following:

Joey G. Dauben
The Palmer Post
P.O. Box 221
Palmer, TX 75152
C | 972-891-2135

I'd also like to stress that I want my readers, friends, family and others to please remember those who are in prison, in jail, locked up or who have recently passed. More importantly, I will utilize this lawsuit and any settlement to further the Messianic Kingdom and to start an inmate ministry called Almond Branch. More details about that TBA.

Restore America Plan | Allegations Fly of Lies, Misdeeds in RAP

I get some of the strangest e-mails, but some are very timely...especially as it relates to the Restore America Plan:

I apologize for this rather lengthily post. But there is much to cover and I feel that you are all, entitled to as much detail as possible,,,
First allow me to disclose that for some many weeks. I "was" intimately involved in direct personal and private communications, with various leaders of the Restore America Plan - that Has Terminated and that Mistake Will NOT Be Repeated!

I cannot disclose who exactly those communicates were with, nor the specifics of said communications, because unlike Regan Dwayne Reedy - I am Not a Liar! More regarding that subject below...

I think that it was back in May that I contacted a RAP Official . We renewed our former friendship and dialog that we previously enjoyed - before Regan Dwayne Reedy split up the notary's in July, 2009.

The initial and in fact most of our conversations were not RAP related. However, during a couple of said conversations. The RAP Official asked if I was interested in becoming involved in the RAP effort.
Now, it goes without saying that I have not supported the RAP effort. But, not because of the program, which to date no one other than a chosen few, really know the intimate details of RAP. But my objections were mostly centered upon who comprised the RAP Leadership - not the Effort!

That aside, and without disclosing the actual role that I was being considered for. I made it clear that I would "consider" my functioning in that role, by affording the fiduciary duty as trustee of that office, "without" favoritism for anyone or any cause and run roughshod over the Guardian Elder's, State Coordinator's and Grand Jury Member's. In as much, as their performance of their respective fiduciary duties to those offices of trust were concerned.
Additionally, I insisted that in all fairness that before I was given any so-called RAP inside confidential information. That there was an old issue that remained festering from Regan Dwayne Reedy abandoning his notary office, severing all communication with me, and going merrily on his way - that had to "First" be resolved. Therefore, arrangements were made where I would travel at some expense and with much reliance upon a dear friend, to Christiansburg, Virginia on Monday June 14th and meet with Regan Dwayne Reedy, to iron-out any differences between us.

Let me emphasize that I thought that I had made the above point quite abundantly clear!
I arrived at Regan Dwayne Reedy's Body Shop business, around 9:30AM Eastern. Upon entering the waiting area, I was greeted very warmly by Regan's dear wife Susan, and we exchanged pleasantries.
I then entered Regan's private office, where another former notary and long time associate of Regan's was there - one Destry James Marcotte.

Regan was initially engaged in a telephone conversation with someone, then upon that ending he and Destry began disclosing some very "Secret" RAP information to myself and my traveling companion. I allowed them to finish with that subject. Then I turned the conversation towards what the notary's at york have been working on, with the very ample assistance of timothy james, whom you know.
Regan and Destry were very interested in our progress with our Estate project and how that might be "very" necessary, in their progressing with what they described as an intricate and possibly "VITAL" RAP Goal. Although I as not asked, nor had I agreed to keep the details of this information confidential. I personally feel that they would want it kept so. Otherwise it would have been released and it has not. Therefore, I feel obligated to not disclose what was discussed and shown to me. It's just a matter of my "personal" honor and has nothing to do with anyone else.

However, so that you later know that I am truthful regarding what was discussed. Just let me say that it involves gold bonds.

Thereafter, I felt and I stated to Regan that before any further intimate RAP information was discussed. That we should deal with the old issues and settle old business. Before moving forward with anything new. Regan agreed and said "proceed".

Now, I want to make this clear to everyone. Since I am confident that some inter net keyboard-warrior, will attack me on this issue. That on the trip to Regan's business, my traveling companion and I discussed and I emphasized. That I was not interested in creating an argument, nor making relations between myself and Regan Dwayne Reedy any worse than they already were. That my only interest was getting a few questions answered. And actually I wasn't even sure that the answers would even be important. Or effect my decision to become involved with the RAP effort. It was just a matter of obtaining the answers, so closure could be applied to an unpleasant  past incident.
However you will see that - "I Was Very Mistaken"!

In either case, I told Regan that I had a question and he said go ahead and ask it - so I did.
The question was - Regan "what happened, why did you split-up the notary's"?

Regan responded by saying, well "the notary's weren't accomplishing anything and that the notary effort was going no where"! To which I replied, "you're absolutely correct - it wasn't".

I then said, "ok, that leads me to the big question - why didn't you call me when I e-mailed you asking you to? That instead, I get a phone call from Destry, telling me that you had called him and asked him to call me"?

And that Folks - started the argument!

Regan responded with some intimate details about what he had been involved in. Which he stated that he could not at that time share with me - "but" that Destry was to tell me". Then Destry jumped into the exchange and raising his voice verbally attacked me!

I responded to Destry. Telling him that this conversation did not involve him and I that it was between Regan and I.

Regan then verbally attacked me, falsely accusing me of having done something that I have since verified with other's, who know the intimate details of that subject and they concur that what Regan and then Destry were accusing me of - were Blatantly False!

I want to stop here and say that both Regan Dwayne Reedy and Destry James Marcotte, had "Venom" in their voices when they verbally attached me!

At that point Regan Dwayne Reedy said and I Quote, "I do not have to keep my word to you"!!!
And that folks, was all the answers that I needed. To arrive at a decision, as to weather I was going to become re-involved with the "Admitted Liar" Regan Dwayne Reedy or the Restore America Plan!
I looked over to my traveling companion and said, "it is time to haul my crippled-ass back to Pennsylvania"!

Then Regan Dwayne Reedy said, "you just came down here to argue, get the Fuck Out".
So, I departed that Den of Liar's and Following Scriptural Instructions - I have Scrapped the Dust of the existence of those Liar's from my sandals!

Admitted-Liar Regan Dwayne Reedy, has a real problem with any criticism directed towards him personally. This is exactly what Sam Kennedy described and Folks This is a Serious Personality Defect boarding upon Mental Illness!

I could go into more details and point out further points of the fallacies of the Admitted-Liar Regan Dwayne Reedy's argument, but that would serve no point.

It is enough to say that I cannot interact with someone, whom I cannot rely upon, what they are telling me - is truthful....

Now allow me to offer my assessment of the RAP documents that have recently been posted by John MacHaffie on his NESARA/RAP Blog and released by the RAP Officials, here -

jueves, 17 de junio de 2010

H.R. 5175 | National Rifle Association Helps Democrats Assault First Amendment

As an NRA member myself, I'm highly pissed...it does not surprise me though that sold-out conservatives will trumpet the Second Amendment, but be content with gutting the fourth (Patriot Act), or the First (NRA.)

Personally, if you support the PATRIOT Act, you don't need the other nine amendments in the Bill of Rights either. Go lay in the bed George W. made for you creeps...

June 16, 2010

Dear Campaign for Liberty Member,

Once again, free speech and political liberty are under attack in Congress.  And this time they have a surprising (to some) assailant -- the National Rifle Association.

In a minute, I'll give you links to the sorry story and ask you to tell the NRA and your congressman you OPPOSE the freedom-killing DISCLOSE ACT, with or without the NRA's deal.

You see, if there is one thing the establishment hates, it is watching its hand-picked candidates be held accountable for their records on liberty issues.

They want their Big Government power grabs to go unnoticed.

After watching some of their favorites go down in flames in race after race these past few months and seeing their statist schemes like Cap and Tax grind to a halt as a result of a massive uprising by liberty-loving Americans, they plan to strike back.

In a move that has dire consequences for our First Amendment right to freedom of speech and for Campaign for Liberty's ability to fight for our freedoms, incumbent politicians have colluded with a super-sized establishment lobbying group, the National Rifle Association, to push H.R. 5175, the DISCLOSE ACT, or as I like to call it, the "Establishment Protection Act,"  through the House of Representatives as soon as this week.

According to Politico, the NRA bargained for an exemption for itself and other large, established groups while trampling the rights of private citizens, new groups (like Campaign for Liberty), and small organizations.

As John Bresnahan reports, "The proposal would exempt organizations that have more than 1 million members, have been in existence for more than 10 years, have members in all 50 states and raise 15 percent or less of their funds from corporations... The NRA, with 4 million members, will not actively oppose the DISCLOSE Act, according to Democratic sources."

RedState's Erick Erickson mentions one of our Regional Conference sponsors when saying, "I support Gun Owners of America, which is a consistent and uncompromising defender of the second amendment, not a weak little girl of an organization protecting itself while throwing everyone else under the bus."

Another pro-gun organization friendly to Campaign for Liberty, the National Association for Gun Rights, said in a national email, "And frankly, this craven deal by the NRA will damage our gun rights and our free speech rights."

As we hold politicians accountable and put them on record with our issue discussion program, the Establishment Protection Act will force organizations like C4L to turn over the names of their "top" donors for exercising our First Amendment rights.

You see, they are targeting groups like Campaign for Liberty because they think their "right" to hold office is more important than your rights to privacy and free speech.

Campaign for Liberty has experienced tremendous growth this past year, and the establishment knows we are out there every day fighting back against its statist power grabs.

They watch as we inform you which candidates support the Constitution and which candidates refuse to take a stand on liberty issues.

And they know we won't play their Washington game of trading principle for power.  They want to silence us once and for all by going after our donors.

Campaign for Liberty will not be silenced, and we will lead the fight against the Establishment Protection Act so you have the right to speak freely without your name and personal information being turned over to Big Brother.

Call Representative Eddie Bernice Johnson at 202-225-8885 right away and INSIST they uphold your First Amendment right to free speech and vote against H.R. 5175, the Establishment Protection Act.

After you contact your representative, call the NRA headquarters at 1-800-672-3888 and their Legislative Action group at 1-800-392-8683 and let them know how you feel about their move to stab freedom organizations in the back.


John Tate


P.S. Thanks to all you’ve done for liberty, the establishment is scared, and it’s not pulling any punches to keep organizations like C4L from speaking out.

If you are able, please consider chipping in $10 today toward C4L’s efforts to push back against the statist agenda and guarantee legislation like H.R. 5175, which should be called the Establishment Protection Act, is soundly defeated.

The Ellis County Observer: The Conservative Voice of Dallas/Fort Worth

I am no longer just a county blog. I am a North Texas institution, and from now on, plan to see my team and I cover news and events and other matters from a bona-fide free market bent.

Efforts Under Way to Save Downtown Water Tower

Some disappointing reactions from the Palmer City Council's June 15 decision (a 4-1 vote; Dianne Drewery in opposition) to tear down the downtown Palmer water tower has prompted the wife of one of the four yay votes to spur a special meeting to gather more public input. The Palmer Post is steadfastly supportive of Drewery and the effort to have the June 15 decision rescinded. Councilmen Jeff Vick, Kenneth Bateman, Chris Ivie and Jeffery Greenlee voted to tear down the city's landmark.

The Palmer Post favors keeping the water tower at all costs, but just in case, we will have new logos created (some with the tower, some without.)

Permission granted to use/distribute/copy/publish/print the water tower photo.

Direct Link: thepalmerpost.wordpress.com/2010/06/17/efforts-to-save-downtown-palmer-water-tower-under-way/

Joe Barton | 'Shakedown' Comments Stir Outrage

The Democrats should shut the hell up. A $20 million fund for claims on Gulf Coast damages is in fact a "shakedown" fund. I actually agree with Congressman Joe Barton on this. I don't agree with his limp-wristed apology in the face of all this hysterical reaction...

Direct Link: http://politico.com/news/stories/0610/38674.html

Outrage ! DA Refuses to Bring '96 Murder Suspects Before Grand Jury

I can only imagine the victims' families are shocked as I am...coming from the Ennis Daily News today:
Biggar murder suspects walk
DA’s office declines to put pair in front of grand jury; ECSO?investigation ongoing
// <![CDATA[// Nick Todaro, Editor

The two men arrested in the 16-year-old murders of Robbie Jean Biggar and Kasey Wayne Roberts have squeaked by without being indicted.

Ellis County Assistant District Attorney Don Maxfield has declined to take the suspects in front of a grand jury. Larry Samples, 62, of Arlington, and Galen Boyd, 49, of Katy, have posted $2 million and $1 million bonds, respectively, and been released.

“At this time, there’s not sufficient evidence to go to the grand jury,” Maxfield said. “As far as I know, the sheriff’s department is still investigating.”

He declined further comment, citing the ongoing investigation.