jueves, 17 de junio de 2010

Efforts Under Way to Save Downtown Water Tower

Some disappointing reactions from the Palmer City Council's June 15 decision (a 4-1 vote; Dianne Drewery in opposition) to tear down the downtown Palmer water tower has prompted the wife of one of the four yay votes to spur a special meeting to gather more public input. The Palmer Post is steadfastly supportive of Drewery and the effort to have the June 15 decision rescinded. Councilmen Jeff Vick, Kenneth Bateman, Chris Ivie and Jeffery Greenlee voted to tear down the city's landmark.

The Palmer Post favors keeping the water tower at all costs, but just in case, we will have new logos created (some with the tower, some without.)

Permission granted to use/distribute/copy/publish/print the water tower photo.

Direct Link: thepalmerpost.wordpress.com/2010/06/17/efforts-to-save-downtown-palmer-water-tower-under-way/

6 comentarios:

  1. I love my photos, but this one is gonna be hard to replace if that tower comes down...

  2. Betty Fretwell Porter17 de junio de 2010, 12:54

    Don't tear down the watertower. Too many memories. Can't you find somthing else to tear down. It want be Palmer without the watertower. THINK ABOUT THE HISTORY YOU ARE TEARING DOWN.

  3. So what, these idiots in Palmer got just what they voted for, your newly elected, re-elected bubbas don't care about anything but metal building, good ole boys and relatives. I am sure this will just be one of many stupid votes by the Templer City Hall. How much is this going to cost tax payers? Really, could this money not be better spent, like on streets, drainage, new water and sewer lines. Looks to me like this is just another way to funnel money to MLA Engineering. By the way who's buddy are they?

    The damn water tower has been standing there for decades as a landmark for Palmer, and all of a sudden it has to go. I think what torques me the most is the so called Palmer Preservation Society is sitting on their thumbs, just like they did on the old Fire Station.

    Too bad this town is going down quickly, and that water tower is a good symbol of that decline.


    It is my understanding that the vote was made to SAVE money. It is much more expensive to save it than tear it down. You are absolutely right, the money needs to be put toward sewer lines, water lines and streets. The tower has to be attended to even if it just sits there as a landmark, the bolts are rusted and the top needs to be secured, it is in terrible condition. BUT I hope to get other concerned citizens like yourself together and see if we can save the tower. It is such an important landmark in our community.
    I have the support of several council members to find a way to save it. I also plan on talking with the Palmer Preservation Society to see if they would be willing to help.
    If you have any suggestions or would like to help, I'd love to hear from you.

  5. Side Note: I'm a member of the Palmer Preservation Society as well, and I definitely want to save the water tower.

    I still think we're making a mistake by not turning it into the county's largest keg stand.

  6. So, well Joey ur wrong it would not be the County's Largest, but would be the nation and maybe even the world's largest, Keg with hoses, think of that it would be a Landmark for sure and also a Tourist Trap, know how many people would love to come and say they drank out of the world's largest Keg
