viernes, 18 de junio de 2010

Restore America Plan | Allegations Fly of Lies, Misdeeds in RAP

I get some of the strangest e-mails, but some are very timely...especially as it relates to the Restore America Plan:

I apologize for this rather lengthily post. But there is much to cover and I feel that you are all, entitled to as much detail as possible,,,
First allow me to disclose that for some many weeks. I "was" intimately involved in direct personal and private communications, with various leaders of the Restore America Plan - that Has Terminated and that Mistake Will NOT Be Repeated!

I cannot disclose who exactly those communicates were with, nor the specifics of said communications, because unlike Regan Dwayne Reedy - I am Not a Liar! More regarding that subject below...

I think that it was back in May that I contacted a RAP Official . We renewed our former friendship and dialog that we previously enjoyed - before Regan Dwayne Reedy split up the notary's in July, 2009.

The initial and in fact most of our conversations were not RAP related. However, during a couple of said conversations. The RAP Official asked if I was interested in becoming involved in the RAP effort.
Now, it goes without saying that I have not supported the RAP effort. But, not because of the program, which to date no one other than a chosen few, really know the intimate details of RAP. But my objections were mostly centered upon who comprised the RAP Leadership - not the Effort!

That aside, and without disclosing the actual role that I was being considered for. I made it clear that I would "consider" my functioning in that role, by affording the fiduciary duty as trustee of that office, "without" favoritism for anyone or any cause and run roughshod over the Guardian Elder's, State Coordinator's and Grand Jury Member's. In as much, as their performance of their respective fiduciary duties to those offices of trust were concerned.
Additionally, I insisted that in all fairness that before I was given any so-called RAP inside confidential information. That there was an old issue that remained festering from Regan Dwayne Reedy abandoning his notary office, severing all communication with me, and going merrily on his way - that had to "First" be resolved. Therefore, arrangements were made where I would travel at some expense and with much reliance upon a dear friend, to Christiansburg, Virginia on Monday June 14th and meet with Regan Dwayne Reedy, to iron-out any differences between us.

Let me emphasize that I thought that I had made the above point quite abundantly clear!
I arrived at Regan Dwayne Reedy's Body Shop business, around 9:30AM Eastern. Upon entering the waiting area, I was greeted very warmly by Regan's dear wife Susan, and we exchanged pleasantries.
I then entered Regan's private office, where another former notary and long time associate of Regan's was there - one Destry James Marcotte.

Regan was initially engaged in a telephone conversation with someone, then upon that ending he and Destry began disclosing some very "Secret" RAP information to myself and my traveling companion. I allowed them to finish with that subject. Then I turned the conversation towards what the notary's at york have been working on, with the very ample assistance of timothy james, whom you know.
Regan and Destry were very interested in our progress with our Estate project and how that might be "very" necessary, in their progressing with what they described as an intricate and possibly "VITAL" RAP Goal. Although I as not asked, nor had I agreed to keep the details of this information confidential. I personally feel that they would want it kept so. Otherwise it would have been released and it has not. Therefore, I feel obligated to not disclose what was discussed and shown to me. It's just a matter of my "personal" honor and has nothing to do with anyone else.

However, so that you later know that I am truthful regarding what was discussed. Just let me say that it involves gold bonds.

Thereafter, I felt and I stated to Regan that before any further intimate RAP information was discussed. That we should deal with the old issues and settle old business. Before moving forward with anything new. Regan agreed and said "proceed".

Now, I want to make this clear to everyone. Since I am confident that some inter net keyboard-warrior, will attack me on this issue. That on the trip to Regan's business, my traveling companion and I discussed and I emphasized. That I was not interested in creating an argument, nor making relations between myself and Regan Dwayne Reedy any worse than they already were. That my only interest was getting a few questions answered. And actually I wasn't even sure that the answers would even be important. Or effect my decision to become involved with the RAP effort. It was just a matter of obtaining the answers, so closure could be applied to an unpleasant  past incident.
However you will see that - "I Was Very Mistaken"!

In either case, I told Regan that I had a question and he said go ahead and ask it - so I did.
The question was - Regan "what happened, why did you split-up the notary's"?

Regan responded by saying, well "the notary's weren't accomplishing anything and that the notary effort was going no where"! To which I replied, "you're absolutely correct - it wasn't".

I then said, "ok, that leads me to the big question - why didn't you call me when I e-mailed you asking you to? That instead, I get a phone call from Destry, telling me that you had called him and asked him to call me"?

And that Folks - started the argument!

Regan responded with some intimate details about what he had been involved in. Which he stated that he could not at that time share with me - "but" that Destry was to tell me". Then Destry jumped into the exchange and raising his voice verbally attacked me!

I responded to Destry. Telling him that this conversation did not involve him and I that it was between Regan and I.

Regan then verbally attacked me, falsely accusing me of having done something that I have since verified with other's, who know the intimate details of that subject and they concur that what Regan and then Destry were accusing me of - were Blatantly False!

I want to stop here and say that both Regan Dwayne Reedy and Destry James Marcotte, had "Venom" in their voices when they verbally attached me!

At that point Regan Dwayne Reedy said and I Quote, "I do not have to keep my word to you"!!!
And that folks, was all the answers that I needed. To arrive at a decision, as to weather I was going to become re-involved with the "Admitted Liar" Regan Dwayne Reedy or the Restore America Plan!
I looked over to my traveling companion and said, "it is time to haul my crippled-ass back to Pennsylvania"!

Then Regan Dwayne Reedy said, "you just came down here to argue, get the Fuck Out".
So, I departed that Den of Liar's and Following Scriptural Instructions - I have Scrapped the Dust of the existence of those Liar's from my sandals!

Admitted-Liar Regan Dwayne Reedy, has a real problem with any criticism directed towards him personally. This is exactly what Sam Kennedy described and Folks This is a Serious Personality Defect boarding upon Mental Illness!

I could go into more details and point out further points of the fallacies of the Admitted-Liar Regan Dwayne Reedy's argument, but that would serve no point.

It is enough to say that I cannot interact with someone, whom I cannot rely upon, what they are telling me - is truthful....

Now allow me to offer my assessment of the RAP documents that have recently been posted by John MacHaffie on his NESARA/RAP Blog and released by the RAP Officials, here -

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