sábado, 26 de junio de 2010

Reporter Brannon Bridge's Field Trip to Combine, Texas

The cool thing about running one of the most widely read blogs in the entire state of Texas (literally...this is one of the most widely read blogs in Texas) is that anything I publish -- photo, article, opinion, etc. -- drifts up into Google searches frequently. Sometimes the photos we post are so popular that a search on Google Images will lead back to this site.

Reporter Brannon Bridge (b@thepalmerpost.com) took a field trip to Combine, Texas recently...

Permission granted to redistribute photos, print them, use them for scrap books, or enter them into evidence ;)

2 comentarios:

  1. Proof the FBI was at Combine City Hall ;)

  2. Combine will never be the same, thanks to Mr. Brannidge
