domingo, 27 de junio de 2010

UPDATED: The Venus Voice | is Up and Running

The Web site is up:
I'm curious how many readers I already have on The Ellis County Observer from Venus...a little town that incorporates portions of far-western Ellis County and eastern Johnson.Well, I'm happy to announce the logo for this new Freedom of the Press Group newspaper:

2 comentarios:

  1. The water towers aren't very impressive -- is there ANY other feature in Venus that is more attractive? The Fire dept? a school? quaint building?

  2. Joey G. Dauben | The Palmer Post29 de junio de 2010, 7:49

    I might go rummage through my Venus photos to see...but yeah, the water tower looks kinda 1970s. I was thinking of putting the planet in the pic, but thought...nah.
