sábado, 26 de junio de 2010

Mid-Way Regional Airport | Pilots Revolt Over Andy Biery

Mid-Way Regional Airport manager Andy Biery is no stranger to critcism from this blog, or of public opinion in general. It's just a mystery why this son of a federal judge* has allowed to run roughshod over pilots, companies that do/did business with the airport and has allowed to escape scrutiny for padding his resume with things like, "I'm a Naval aviator" and "I have previous airport management experience." Both are lies. Both are not true. Both are made-up. Both would have resulted in someone in the private sector disgraced from their job.

Andy Biery is a problem and a liability at Mid-Way Regional Airport, and his coddlers and handlers known as the Mid-Way Regional Airport Board with Paula Baucum as the chair have allowed this guy to continue unabated.

Taxpayers from Midlothian and Waxahachie subsidize the airport -- and Biery's salary -- annually, so it's only fair that I remain a stick in the side of the airport, since ultimately, the accountability is a public street. If this were a private airport and a private situation, I probably wouldn't care as much. But we're talking millions of dollars in government contracts that may or may not have been signed to do work at the airport. We're talking about Biery pissing off TxDOT and others with his fees and hypocritical policy changes...like these:

To: The Ellis County Observer
Cc: The Palmer Post

Recently several long-time Midway Airport residents moved to Dallas Executive Airport. Now, instead of airplanes, the vacated hangars are housing recreational vehicles and at least one car.

Hangar 54, the hangar that was previously home to the banner towing operation.

Box Hangar B6, left vacant when the Merlin moved away.

The gentleman in the RV in Hangar B6 appears to be staying in it. At 11:00 PM his car was parked outside, the RV was inside the closed hangar with the RV's air conditioner running, the sides expanded and the shades drawn.
11:00 PM
So, we've recently lost an active aerial advertising business and a corporate turbine aircraft and this is what we are replacing them with? What was the purpose of all the meetings were every detail of the new leases was explored and the rules were examined so thoroughly? My husband and I were just asked to sign new leases for the three flight school hangars. Each lease contains the statement ". . . the leased premises shall be used solely for the storage of airworthy aircraft . . . "  To whom do these rules apply?
Thank you for your time in this.
Let's not stop there...what about the welding taking place around hangars and planes -- quite risky at a government airport. Surely there would be some sort of safety precautions taking place...or surely the "professionals" running the airport could get a handle on their poodle, Andy Biery. See, that's what Andy Biery has become, the poodle of the political establishment. No matter his lack of airport experience (anywhere, not in Arlington, not in Lancaster...) or the fact he was never a Naval aviator. Ever.

The safety of everyone at that airport has been blogged about before. The photo above is direct evidence that Andy Biery has no idea what he is doing...allowing welding to take place like this...I know if that were my plane and my hangar and my insurance company saw this, the risk level would skyrocket...

So, Waxahachie Councilman Mark Singleton, what's so great about Paula's leadership over the airport board with the scores of evidence to the contrary about this Andy "Poodle" Biery? How can one sit by as the house burns and say, "well the lawn is nice and pretty at least!"

Maybe it was the intention of those involved to make Biery get the needed licks...oh well, when Ennis breaks ground on their massive airport, I guess we could stuff balloons and RVs at Mid-Way.

7 comentarios:

  1. Those three photos at the top are showing up for me, and then sometimes they won't show up.

    So Ken, you and the other pilots hit Refresh on your browser screen...because it's working for me.

    Webmaster, I'm using Firefox, so I don't know how it appears in Microsoft Explorer.

  2. So there you have it, the three photos showing violations of Mid-Way Regional Airport board policy...Andy Biery's allowing this stuff to go on...perhaps the rules were only intended for people in the know?

  3. So is the RV guy paying rent to someone and is it Biery? Could this also be a theft charge if things are going on 'under the table'

    Oh yeah and Andy how much is rent at a hangar I love metal buildings?!?!?!?!

  4. Joey G. Dauben | The Palmer Post28 de junio de 2010, 5:27

    I haven't even gotten into the $100 per month rental fee that Andy is charging TxDOT or some other contractor/pilot to store stuff there...

    Now tell me where this guy needs to soak an extra $100 per month from these hard-working people he is shoving away?

  5. You Know the old saying when it smells like shit it probaly is an the stink coming from Paula and her step son Andy you can only imagine the little secrets that are kept behind closed doors Hell for all we know someone is getting a pretty good shaft Paula, Andy o no the tax payer again and then when you think of it Paula will make a good politician she has learned well on crawling under the bench and allowing this crap to keep happening. And know that i now this first hand Mr Hastings wants the head of Ballon function to have a sit down meeting with Dumbass Andy Paula so they can say sorry for fin up the Ballon festival And Paula hopefully when you decide to step out their and be a real politician hopefully this will bite you in the ass you did you had a fair chance to represent the airport and you have shown you are not capabale

  6. When are these City managers, Council Members and Mayors going to wake up. Forget all the lies and BS that has come from Andy - terminate him simply because he is unable to get along with the Airport Tennants. I'm sure that if a poll of tennants were taken today over 75% would say "send him down the road". The Airport Board was set to nail him on his first review but the City Managers stepped up and stopped the Board from doing it. Every Board member that voted to hire him will admit they made a HUGE mistake but for what ever reason he has both the City Managers in his back pocket. I reckon either Daddy called in a favor or someone has some pictures of one of them and a goat. Shame on the Board and both Cities for making a mistake - Double Shame on them for not fixing it. Juan Martinez would roll over in his grave if he could see what has happened to his Airport at the hands of the cities.

  7. WOW! Some one with a goat? Well photoshop experts are hard at work.

    But let's not flatter them too much. Make sure the goat looks unhappy.
